Symptoms of Being Roofied: What Are They and What Should You Do?


If you’re partying, clubbing, or enjoying your time outside, a friend might have warned you of being roofied. This means someone spiked your drink against your will to affect your judgment.

In social settings, particularly nightlife environments, the risk of being drugged without consent is an unfortunate reality. Understanding the symptoms of being roofied, especially with common date rape drugs like benzodiazepines (including Xanax) and gamma-hydroxybutyric acid (GHB), is crucial for personal safety. This article aims to shed light on the symptoms of being roofied and provide guidance on what actions to take if you suspect you’ve been drugged, so keep reading to learn more about this topic.

But before getting into the discussion, let’s talk first and understand what these common drugs used to roofie.

What Are the Symptoms of Being Roofied?

Being roofied is a slang term that refers to the situation when one is drugged against their will. It refers to the misuse of Rohypnol (flunitrazepam), but other drugs like Ketamine and GHB can also produce the same effect.

Yet, Rohypnol’s effects can last for several hours, unlike other drugs, whose effects can last for one hour or so.

Offenders use this drug, usually referred to as the date rape drug, to facilitate committing sexual assault without consent. The person being roofied won’t be in their right mind.

Detecting the common signs of being roofied can be confusing, especially if you’ve been drinking. Initially, you might feel like you’ve just had too many drinks. However, here are some telltale signs that someone has roofied you.

Brain Fog

Although feeling euphoria is quite common during the initial stages, dealing with brain fog is the most common symptom of being roofied. You suddenly feel that everything is blurry and that you can no longer think or act normally.


You suddenly feel that you no longer realize who you’re with, where you are, or what you’re doing. You feel out of place and might become too dizzy to comprehend your surroundings. Falling and hitting objects is quite common if you attempt to stand or walk on your own.

passed out girl

Difficulty Focusing

You can no longer focus on the words and start stuttering. You experience a lack of concentration, and you feel like you can’t control your thoughts.

A lot of victims report having a slower reaction time. They might not respond well to actions and words.

Loss of Muscle Control or Muscle Relaxation

The simple act of standing up becomes challenging without help. You might feel like someone is dragging you, and you can’t stop them. If they try to assault you, you won’t be able to push back.

Many people who have been roofied reported that they felt like their bodies weren’t responding to them. Some victims also explained that they sensed some sort of paralysis.

Having trouble breathing can also be a sign that you’ve been roofied. Since the drug affects your muscles and how they respond, you might not be able to breathe well, especially in crowded places. But, again, this can be the excuse your assaulter will use to get you out.


The drug that has been slipped into your drink can cause nausea, especially when you’ve been drinking. However, a lot of people also experience vomiting.

Memory Blackouts or Memory Loss

Most people lose consciousness when they’re roofied. Because the effects of roofies are too strong, many people can’t recall what happened except the next day or a few days after the incident.

This depends on the amount of drug that has been slipped into their drink and the amount of alcohol they’ve been taking. In addition, some people will interact differently with the drug, so they can experience worse symptoms.

After the side effects of the drug have worn off, people usually struggle to recall the details of what happened. Some of them will also completely block out the memory because of the shock, although a medical examiner can still detect the signs of physical assault.

How Common Is Being Roofied?

Unfortunately, being roofied is quite common as the drug is easy to obtain. Statistics show that almost 11% of women had been roofied, and most had their drinks spiked by someone they knew. Additionally, 12% of women reported that they knew someone who had been roofied.

Although anyone can get roofied, women are more likely to get roofied than men. Teens and women younger than 30 are at a higher risk than older women.

Rohypnol pills easily dissolve in liquids, and they’re tasteless, colorless, and odorless, so the person being roofied won’t detect that there’s something wrong with their drink. Some new pills will leave a blue tinge in the drink, but people can still get colorless drugs.

A dosage of 1 mg can cause side effects for up to 8 hours. These effects become more significant when this drug is mixed with alcohol.

Emergency Care

What Should You Do if You Think You’ve Been Roofied?

Feeling that you’re losing control over your body and mind can be terrifying, so you can do the following if you suspect you’ve been roofied.

  • Don’t go out without anyone knowing your whereabouts. Tell a trusted friend or a family member where you’re going and ask them to check on you, especially if you’re meeting a stranger for the first time.
  • Don’t attempt to leave your location unless you’re in danger. Remember that you might not be able to control your actions or reactions, so it’s better to stay in a safe place or where you are.
  • Avoid driving the car and stay around people as much as you can.
  • Call a friend and ask for help. Acting fast can save you in this situation.
  • If you can’t call a friend, ask someone to help you. Make them notice that you’re not OK.
  • Call 911 and tell them that you’ve been drugged.
  • Drink as much water as possible to help your body flush out the drug.
  • If you wake up the next day and suspect you’ve been roofied, seek medical help. Ask for a medical examination to see if you’ve been physically assaulted.
  • Ask for a rape kit and get tested for sexually transmitted diseases. In most cases, the hospital staff will use pregnancy prevention medication.

What Should You Do if You Think Someone Has Been Roofied?

If you suspect someone has been roofied at a club or party, it’s crucial to take immediate action to ensure their safety and well-being. Here are steps you can take to help:

  • Draw Attention to Suspicious Behavior: If you’ve witnessed someone tampering with another person’s drink, discreetly draw attention to it. Alerting others to the situation can help prevent potential harm.
  • Seek Help from Others: Don’t hesitate to ask other people for assistance and keep the affected individual away from potential predators. Working together as a group can provide additional support and protection.
  • Encourage Hydration: Make sure the affected person drinks as much water as they can. Hydration can help dilute any substances in their system and alleviate some symptoms.
  • Avoid Administering Medications: Refrain from giving the affected person any medications, as they may interact with substances already in their system and worsen the situation.
  • Call Emergency Services: Dial 911 or the appropriate emergency number, like the national sexual assault hotline, to report the situation and request immediate assistance. This ensures that professional help arrives promptly and that legal assistance can be provided if necessary.
  • Seek Medical Attention or Medical Care: Take the affected person who were roofied to the hospital or an emergency room to seek medical help. Medical professionals can conduct necessary tests, provide treatment, and monitor the individual’s condition closely.

By taking swift and decisive action, you can help ensure the safety and well-being of someone who may have been roofied. Your intervention can make a significant difference in preventing further harm and facilitating the individual’s recovery process.

Addiction Treatment and Emergency Care

Unfortunately, being roofied is more common than you think. Symptoms of being roofied can be confused with the feelings of being drunk, but the lack of proper judgment and loss of concentration usually worsen over time. In most cases, the person will lose consciousness and can’t recall what is happening.

If you suspect you’ve been drugged or your loved one, consider seeking addiction treatment, proper healthcare, or detox services. Substance misuse, whether intentional or involuntary, can have severe consequences on mental health and overall well-being. Additionally, if symptoms are severe or if there’s a risk of overdose, seek emergency medical care immediately.

Understanding Benzodiazepines (brand name Xanax) and GHB 

Benzodiazepines, including Xanax and Valium, are potent depressants that affect the central nervous system. They are known for inducing drowsiness, confusion, and memory loss beyond the expected effects of alcohol consumption. GHB (gamma-hydroxybutyrate), also known as liquid ecstasy, is a central nervous system depressant notorious for its ability to cause sudden weakness, muscle relaxation, and blackouts. Ingestion of these substances without consent can lead to serious consequences, including loss of consciousness and potential sexual violence.

Residential Detoxification


Unfortunately, being roofied is more common than you think. Symptoms of being roofied can be confused with the feelings of being drunk, but the lack of proper judgment and loss of concentration usually worsen over time. In most cases, the person will lose consciousness and can’t recall what is happening.

If you notice these symptoms, seek immediate help and stay away from the person you think is trying to assault you.


  • How do you feel and what should you do the day after being roofied?

Reviewed for Medical & Clinical Accuracy by Long Island Treatment Center