
Are Drunk Words Sober Thoughts?

drunk words

The answer to this question is up for debate. According to the research, people speak the truth when drunk, and everyone believes these words are sober thoughts. People who drink alcohol encourage them to say what is on their minds and hearts. As people consume alcohol, their words become increasingly hostile and primitive. Everyone knew that drinking alcohol could be blamed for their actions, but now, blaming alcohol is not an acceptable excuse for bad behavior.

Specifically, the research tells us that alcohol does not make us lose control of ourselves, but it does make us less concerned about the consequences of our actions.

What Is Going on Inside a Brain that Is Addicted to Alcohol?

The brain’s neocortex has the job of examining the circumstances that are presenting themselves at the moment. Then, it decides the best course of action to take at any given time. When someone drinks, the neocortex cannot function in the same way that it functions without alcohol. Therefore, as the brain becomes intoxicated, it allows the person to act in alarming ways.

Researchers performed a study at the University of Missouri, where 67 test subjects were divided into three groups. One group consumed soft drinks, the second consumed placebo beverages, and the third group drank vodka-tonics. After they consumed their beverages, they were taken to computers to complete error recognition tasks. The results showed that these test subjects knew they were making mistakes because of the alcohol, but they didn’t care.

When people drink alcohol, their reasoning skills are not as strong, and they can’t visualize the consequences of bad behavior as easily as they do when sober. Because of this, an intoxicated person will readily tell the truth, but the truth will be rather brutal. The person will also express these opinions without hesitancy. People who do not fear the consequences feel free to say or do anything. This would not ordinarily be the case when they are sober.

What Neuroscience Says about the Question

You may feel as if your entire personality changes when you are drunk. That is the reason that people have a drink at social gatherings so that they can loosen up before they begin to socialize. Researchers at the University of Missouri Institute of Mental Health discovered that researchers did not notice a difference between their subjects when they were sober and drunk. They acknowledged the fact that a person’s personality is different when he is drunk. Still, they stated this is likely because we have seen examples of these personality changes in movies.

The fact is that alcohol affects the prefrontal cortex. The prefrontal cortex is the brain’s portion responsible for reasoning and judgment. Some people say alcohol does not bring what is already there to the surface. After someone drinks alcohol, it changes the brain and the person’s personality. Therefore, the words of drunk human beings are not their true thoughts.

Are Drunk actions Sober intentions?

As we look further into the answer to this question, we must acknowledge that alcohol loosens people’s lips when they ordinarily would remain quiet. However, a drunk person’s words are not necessarily the truth. That is because alcohol causes the following short-term effects:

Loss of Coordination

Alcohol affects the neurotransmitter known as “GABA” in the brain, and it prevents people from reacting to situations quickly. It also makes them clumsy, and when you drink, it can be difficult to walk. It can even be hard to stand.

Black Outs

Blackouts are known as “short-term memory loss.” Even though people black out, they can still function as if they are not experiencing anything unusual. For example, during a blackout, you may be able to drive your vehicle, talk to your friends or walk normally. You may not remember what you did or said during this time. This is why you may be horrified to learn about what you said or did the day after a blackout.

Low Inhibitions

Your inhibitions prevent you from doing many things which are very important in a civilized society. They are why everyone doesn’t always say the first things that pop into their heads. This would cause chaos very quickly. Ethanol is the element in alcohol that lowers your inhibitions, and it is the reason that many believe that alcohol causes people to say drunk words that are sober thoughts.

When alcohol lowers your inhibitions to become more sociable, it is a good thing, but it becomes negative when the person becomes an obnoxious jerk.

Are Drunk Words Sober Thoughts?

Inhibitions prevent us from expressing our thoughts truthfully, so people believe that someone who has been drinking alcohol is telling everyone how he or she feels. When someone drinks alcohol, this can cause a substance use disorder that leads to changes in the brain. If people have an alcohol use disorder, they may not be acting like themselves when they are drunk. To be authentic, they must obtain treatment for their substance use disorders.

Drunk words may be sober thoughts if the person is not a chronic alcoholic. If a person is experiencing a substance use disorder, you cannot take for granted that the person’s words accurately reflect how the person thinks or feels.

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Getting Treatment for an Alcohol Use Disorder

You or a loved one may have experienced the embarrassment of doing something your inhibitions would not have allowed you to do when you were sober. If this is the case, this is a great reason to obtain treatment for your substance use disorder. However, you also have many other reasons to cease your use of alcohol, and these are the long-term effects that alcohol causes, such as the following:


Long-term alcohol consumption often leads to cardiomyopathy. Cardiomyopathy is a heart muscle disease that prevents the heart from adequately pumping blood throughout your body. It is a condition that can cause a pounding or rapid heartbeat, discomfort or pressure in the chest, coughing while lying flat on one’s back, and shortness of breath.

Cardiomyopathy continues to get worse as time goes by and may lead to severe damage to your cardiovascular system.


Alcohol damages the liver but works to repair itself when it can. Unfortunately, the liver’s repair process leaves scarring, known as “fibrosis.” The scar tissue piles up and can interfere with the liver’s ability to function correctly. This causes several symptoms, including the following:

  • Fluid buildup in the abdomen
  • Swelling in the feet, ankles, and legs
  • Loss of appetite
  • Itching
  • Confusion
  • Jaundice
  • Easily bruising or bleeding

Alcoholic Hepatitis

This serious disease is the second stage of liver disease, and it causes the following symptoms:

  • Fatigue and weakness
  • Vomiting and nausea
  • Tenderness in the abdominal area
  • Low-grade fever
  • Loss of appetite

If you are experiencing symptoms of alcoholic hepatitis, it can cause death if you continue to consume alcohol. You must stop drinking alcohol at this point because you may develop the third stage of liver disease, liver cirrhosis.

Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease

As the liver processes the alcohol you consume, it produces a chemical called “acetaldehyde.” The medical community knows that acetaldehyde is a carcinogen that damages the liver’s cells. This causes inflammation and prevents the body’s immune system from functioning to its full capacity. This is the first alcohol-induced liver disease stage leading to hepatitis and cirrhosis.

Help for an Alcohol Use Disorder

An alcohol use disorder is a long-term effect of abusing alcohol. Many people consume at least one alcoholic drink per day, so it is difficult for people to know when they have an alcohol use disorder. You can determine this by answering the following questions:

  • Do you drink even though it hurts your personal relationships?
  • Does alcohol make your physical or psychological conditions worse?
  • Do you need to drink more alcohol to experience the familiar feelings?
  • Do you drink rather than take part in activities you used to enjoy?
  • Do you experience withdrawal symptoms when you don’t drink?
  • Do you drink when it isn’t safe to do so?
  • Do you miss work or school because you are drinking?
  • Do you have cravings for alcohol?
  • Do you spend most of your time drinking or recovering from drinking?
  • Do you drink longer than you planned?
  • Have you tried to stop drinking several times without any success?

If you can answer the above questions in the affirmative, it isn’t causing alarm. We can place you or your loved one in our alcohol treatment center at Long Island Treatment Center. With help, anyone can overcome an addiction, so contact us for help getting your life back on track today.


  • What does drunk words are sober thought mean?
  • Is it true that a drunk mind speaks a sober heart?
  • Do your true feelings come out when drunk?

Reviewed for Medical & Clinical Accuracy by Long Island Treatment Center