Long Island Treatment Center provides a full roster of outpatient support services designed to help individuals lay the groundwork for a fulfilling life without drugs or alcohol.
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Our Mission Statement
People with a substance use disorder (SUD) come from all walks of life. Everyone is unique. Our goal is to provide compassionate care that is specifically geared to the needs of each individual we serve.
We begin by conducting a detailed assessment to reveal a client’s most compelling needs. Then, we formulate a treatment plan designed to address those needs. Every component of a client’s treatment plan is individualized. No time is wasted on treatment modules that do not apply to a client’s particular situation.
At Long Island Treatment Center, we offer a broad range of services through our personalized outpatient programs. That gives us the ability to address a client’s most pressing needs in one setting.
Our goal is to equip our clients and their families with the knowledge, tools and resources they will need to maintain a sober lifestyle after completing our rehabilitation program.
Who We Are
Long Island Treatment Center is an OASAS-certified part 822 facility supplying a full range of outpatient services for the Long Island community, the Greater New York Metropolitan Area and beyond.
Our program has been recognized for excellence in substance abuse and behavioral health treatment by the Joint Commission.
At Long Island Treatment Center, we help our clients to stay clean and sober, and we show them how to do it. As professionals, we provide evidence-based treatments in a compassionate and empathic setting.
We teach people with substance use disorder (SUD) how to let go of addiction and begin a life of recovery. We help families of those with SUDs to understand that addiction is a disease and not a moral failing.
We believe that recovery is possible for everyone. Our empirically based clinical modalities and patient-centered care are delivered in a spirit of inclusion, compassion and love.
What We Offer
No one enters treatment for drug or alcohol addiction with a well-ordered and well-managed life. By the time most people come to Long Island Treatment Center, their lives are in shambles. Some lucky souls make it into treatment before the situation gets too far gone, but those folks are in the minority.
Most of our clients wait until the last minute to ask for help. They wait until they are in serious trouble with the law and have no money for a lawyer. They have lost their jobs and alienated their loved ones. Friends and family members are fed up and don’t want to see you.
Many people enter treatment after spending everything they own on drugs. When they run out of money and can’t get any more drugs, they are more open to entering treatment. When all the doors finally close, it’s difficult to deny that there’s a problem.
It takes a lot of courage to admit to yourself and to others that you have a problem. However, when you enter treatment, you quickly learn that there are other people, lots of them, with the same problem as you.
For most of our clients, this knowledge alone brings about a tremendous relief. You finally feel like you belong. You no longer feel alone.
Our Treatment Approach
The objective at Long Island Treatment Center is to help our clients begin the journey to health, sanity and wholeness while abstaining from drugs and alcohol and working toward a life of purpose and fulfillment.
Every person is an original. We go to great lengths to ensure that each person’s treatment plan takes the whole individual into account, and the treatment plan for each client is a reflection of that person’s individuality.
Together with the client, we create a custom treatment plan based on the person being treated rather than on a one-size-fits-all standardized protocol.
Drug and alcohol misuse is not typically a stand-alone issue. In many cases, it is a symptom of something else on the spiritual, mental, emotional or physical level.
Addiction can also be just one condition among many in a cluster of related disorders. To treat an addiction successfully, any underlying or co-occurring conditions must also be diagnosed and addressed.
How Do You Know You Have a Problem With Drugs or Alcohol?
Deciding whether or not you have a problem can be confusing. Does it mean you are an alcoholic if you drink one beer every day? Are you a drug addict if you have pain and take opioid medication prescribed by your doctor every day?
As someone once said, “Do I drink because I like wine, or do I drink because I’m addicted to it?” This quiz can help you to answer those question and sort things out.
If you have incurred serious consequences as a result of using or drinking, you are likely to have a substance use disorder. If you continue to use and drink in spite of continuous and worsening consequences, you are likely to have a problem that’s serious enough to require treatment for drug and alcohol addiction.
Addictions We Treat
At Long Island Treatment Center, the clients we treat use a variety of different substances including both pharmaceutical medications prescribed by a doctor as well as so-called street drugs:
- Alcohol
- Benzodiazepines
- Cocaine
- Crack cocaine
- Opiates such as heroin and morphine
- Marijuana
- Methamphetamine
- Opioids such as oxycodone and oxyContin
Treatments We Offer
We offer a variety of treatment programs designed to prepare you for long-term sobriety. Addiction to drugs and alcohol is a disease that has no cure. Nevertheless, it can be managed. Countless happy recovering souls are living long and well without drinking or using. So can you.
- Outpatient rehabilitation
- Intensive outpatient treatment
- Partial hospitalization
- Dual diagnosis program
- Aftercare program
- Intervention services
What Does Outpatient Treatment Involve?
Outpatient treatment is the next step after residential rehab. There are basically three levels of outpatient care. They include standard outpatient (OP), intensive outpatient (IOP) and partial hospitalization (PHP).
Standard outpatient is the least intensive option. It typically involves two or three days per week for a few hours per day.
PHP and IOP tend to be equally intensive. The difference is that in a PHP, clients are required to meet every day for five or six hours. The length of treatment for PHP is longer too.
IOP programs typically meet for fewer hours per day and on fewer days of the week, and the length of time in an IOP is shorter than in a PHP.
Benefits of Outpatient Programs
Although residential rehab is considered the optimal treatment for those with an SUD, not everyone can manage it. Many recovering individuals are unable to take time off from work or be away from home because they have young children. Nevertheless, outpatient care offers benefits for clients that inpatient treatment does not:
- Because the schedule is flexible, clients can work, care for kids and still participate in treatment.
- The cost of care for outpatient therapy is significantly less than the cost of inpatient care.
- Outpatient treatment gives clients access to relapse prevention programs, 12-step meetings, family therapy, educational lectures and seminars, support groups and more.
- Ongoing support from health care professionals and access to community resources.
- An opportunity to build a strong support group comprised of family and friends who can encourage you on the road to recovery.
- Clients can transition from outpatient care to inpatient care if they find that they are not ready for outpatient treatment alone.
Dual Diagnosis
Our dual diagnosis program is designed to identify and treat co-occurring conditions. Many recovering individuals have underlying issues that can interact negatively with SUDs.
Co-occurring conditions must be treated separately. These issues can range from depression, anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) to migraine headaches and cirrhosis of the liver.
Aftercare and Intervention Services
Aftercare programs provide support for people recovering from SUDs. Aftercare can include 12-step programs, individual counseling and sober living houses.
In an intervention, a person with an SUD is approached by family and friends. They share how they feel about the drinking or drugging, and they ask the individual to enter treatment.
Our Facility
Our spacious treatment facility is warm, inviting and easy to access for Long Island residents. Inside, you will find plush couches and cushy recliners to settle into during sessions.
Long Island Treatment Center
100 W Nicholai St
Hicksville, NY 11801
(516) 788-5470
Is your life torn apart by addiction? Do you feel you have nowhere to turn? Trying to solve an addiction problem alone will only make things worse. No one recovers from substance use disorder without help.
We are here 24/7 to take your calls. We are always happy to answer questions, provide information and offer help in any way we can.