Wellbutrin and Alcohol: Risks, Interactions, and What You Need to Know

Alcohol and pills

Wellbutrin is a commonly prescribed medication used to treat anxiety, major depression and seasonal affective disorder. It also is prescribed under a different brand name to support those who are trying to stop smoking. This medication, which is a brand name for the generic drug bupropion, offers numerous benefits, but there are dangers associated with combining Wellbutrin and alcohol. This article delves into the risks of drinking alcohol while using this medication. It also reviews health concerns and alternatives.

What Is Wellbutrin?

Wellbutrin is an antidepressant and smoking cessation aid that alters dopamine and norepinephrine in the brain. Specifically, it is believed to reduce the uptake of these brain chemicals. In this way, it functions in a similar way as some other antidepressants used to treat major depressive disorder and seasonal affective disorder. In addition to being known by its generic name, this medication is also sold as other brand names. These include Forfivo XL, Aplenzin and Zyban.

What Happens When You Mix Wellbutrin and Alcohol?

Overall, Wellbutrin’s side effects are relatively minimal and well-tolerated. However, dangerous outcomes are possible when you mix Wellbutrin with alcohol. Alcohol affects the brain’s communication pathways and is a depressant. When alcohol is consumed while taking an antidepressant, such as Wellbutrin, the antidepressant is less effective. As a result, it directly impacts the mental health treatment a person receives for depression and anxiety.

In addition, the effects of drug interactions and side effects of the antidepressant are heightened. For example, there is a risk of seizures when taking Wellbutrin, and this risk grows when you consume alcohol with Wellbutrin. Some people may experience worsening mental health symptoms, such as anxiety and depression. Other outcomes are memory loss, confusion, poor judgment and a greater likelihood of blackouts and related accidents.

Common Side Effects & Health Risks of Mixing Wellbutrin and Alcohol

There are both short-term side effects and long-term health risks associated with mixing Wellbutrin and alcohol. The risks and side effects are more pronounced when you don’t drink often and start drinking while on Wellbutrin. There are also serious risks if you regularly drink heavily or if you drink heavily and suddenly stop taking Wellbutrin.

Soon after mixing Wellbutrin and alcohol, short-term effects like nausea, confusion and dizziness are possible. Increased aggression and significant mood swings are also more likely due to the combination of these substances. Loss of coordination and seizures are Wellbutrin side effects that may become more pronounced or likely when you also consume alcohol. Be aware that taking a higher dose of Wellbutrin than prescribed, having an eating disorder or having an underlying seizure disorder magnifies the risk of a seizure.

When a person continues to drink alcohol while taking Wellbutrin, symptoms of depression can worsen. This includes an increased risk of suicidal thoughts. Risks associated with excessive alcohol consumption, such as liver damage, continue to be concerning possibilities. In addition, the likelihood of an alcohol or medication dependency and addiction increase when Wellbutrin and alcohol are consumed together over a period of time.

A person with alcohol use disorder (AUD) regularly and heavily consumes alcohol, which has a significant impact on the individual’s behavior, physical health and mental health. Signs of alcohol abuse:

  • Depression
  • Frequent headaches
  • Antisocial behavior
  • Impulsivity, poor judgment and a lack of inhibitions
  • Loneliness
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Blackouts
  • Drinking more over time to get the same feeling
  • Hiding your drinking
  • Regularly drinking alone
  • Feeling like you need to have a drink to get through the day (cravings)

Alcohol use disorder can be life-threatening and could require medical intervention. When taking Wellbutrin while withdrawing from alcohol, seizures, shakes, tremors, vomiting, hallucinations, paranoia and other serious side effects are more likely. Healthcare treatment during alcohol withdrawal symptoms is a safer option to consider.

Can Mixing Wellbutrin and Alcohol Lead to Addiction?

Alcohol is a depressive substance. It impairs a person’s ability to think clearly. It also impairs coordination and alters mood and behavior. As an antidepressant medication, Wellbutrin has some opposing health effects. Alcohol impairs Wellbutrin’s antidepressant benefits, which can lead some people to increase their dosage without consulting with their doctor.
Misusing Wellbutrin can lead to dependency. Some signs of dependency are:

  • Feeling like you need to take or use more for the same effect
  • Consuming more of the substance than prescribed or intended
  • Lack of motivation
  • Irritation or agitation

Safer Alternatives for Managing Depression & Anxiety

Managing mental health conditions like depression and anxiety are vital for your well-being, but doing so while using alcohol is dangerous. Stopping alcohol use suddenly after heavy and frequent use is harmful. If you are dealing with alcohol use disorder, consider safer alternatives than Wellbutrin. For example, other antidepressants are available that have fewer alcohol interactions. However, because there is a risk of interactions with most antidepressants, talk to your doctor about non-medication options as well.

Cognitive behavioral therapy, or CBT, is a safe option to consider. This is a type of therapy that helps people discover their unhelpful thinking patterns. Those participating in this type of treatment learn coping mechanisms and look for solutions for today’s problems rather than focusing on past issues. Support groups and group therapy can also be helpful in treating both depression and alcohol abuse.

When to Seek Treatment for Alcohol or Prescription Drug Misuse

If you have recently been prescribed Wellbutrin and struggle with alcohol misuse, consult with your doctor about alternative medications or non-medication treatments. In addition, help is available for alcohol abuse and Wellbutrin misuse.

Alcohol and prescription medication misuse and abuse are associated with underlying mental health disorders. For some people who seek treatment for alcohol or prescription drug misuse, a mental health condition is undiagnosed or may not be properly managed on the current treatment plan. Using alcohol and prescription drugs improperly may quickly provide immediate relief from some symptoms of a mental health disorder, but the relief is short-lived. More than that, the damage to your relationships, career and health can be significant.

If you experience any signs that your use of alcohol or Wellbutrin has become problematic, help is available. Some signs to look for are:

  • Experiencing more severe side effects
  • Hiding or lying about taking more of the drug than recommended
  • Lying to obtain Wellbutrin or purchasing it illegally
  • Taking a higher dose than prescribed or taking Wellbutrin more frequently than prescribed

Treatment options are available at Long Island Treatment Center. During an initial consultation, an experienced and compassionate consultant will prepare a personalized treatment plan tailored to your specific needs. Many levels of care are available, including outpatient detox, partial hospitalization, intensive outpatient treatment, evening intensive outpatient treatment and outpatient rehab. Aftercare support and services are also available to aid in maintaining long-term recovery and well-being.

Because mental health and substance abuse are closely associated, we identify underlying conditions early in the treatment process. By doing so, we can incorporate mental health treatment into the treatment plan, if needed. This approach addresses some of the underlying causes that contributed to the addiction or abuse. By addressing these causes, you may be less likely to relapse.

Contact Long Island Treatment Center

Using Wellbutrin and alcohol is dangerous as it increases immediate side effects and places you at a greater risk of long-term health effects. Prescription drug misuse and alcohol addiction or alcohol dependence are difficult to overcome on your own. In some cases, doing so without medical advice and supervision from a healthcare provider is dangerous. Long Island Treatment Center provides the support and customized addiction treatment program you need. If you are concerned about your loved one’s potential substance use, seeking guidance from a healthcare professional is recommended. Inpatient treatment may be necessary for severe cases. Contact us today for a consultation.

Reviewed for Medical & Clinical Accuracy by Long Island Treatment Center