What Is Rapid Resolution Therapy?

Rapid Resolution Therapy

It can be difficult to deal directly with the pain from a toxic relationship, childhood abuse or other traumatic events. However, failure to address them may cause you to develop unhealthy behaviors such as becoming dependent on drugs or alcohol. You may also find yourself triggered by certain sounds, smells or locations that remind you of your trauma. Fortunately, tools such as rapid resolution therapy (RRT) can help you regain control of your life.

What Is RRT?

Working with a therapist, you will talk about your trauma and the negative thoughts and feelings associated with it. For instance, you may refuse to eat ice cream because it was what you were eating when a family member assaulted you when you were six. Through RRT, you regain control of the narrative surrounding what happened to you. Ultimately, you realize that avoiding ice cream wasn’t going to help you process your pain or otherwise help you gain control over your life.

Instead, you learn that what happened to you wasn’t your fault and that the blame lies with whoever hurt you. Over time, your mind starts to reframe the incident in a healthier manner, which results in reduced feelings of hurt, fear or anxiety. This is what allows you to eventually move past your trauma and start living life for yourself again.

How Long Does It Take Rapid Resolution Therapy to Work?

It can take as little as one or two sessions to see the benefits of RRT. A typical session can last anywhere from 60 to 90 minutes depending on your needs and other factors. Therefore, you may be able to see a marked improvement in your mental health in the same amount of time it takes to watch your favorite movie.

Of course, everyone is different, so it may take a few extra sessions before you start to notice a change in your life. Your progress will be dictated by a number of factors such as the type of trauma that you endured and your own willingness to be forthcoming about it. In other words, the more you are able to commit to the process, the easier it will be to make progress in less time.

However, you shouldn’t worry about how long it takes to get the help that you need. As long as you are making progress and starting to feel good about yourself, it really doesn’t matter if it takes you a week or a couple of months to see results.

RRT Can Be Used With Other Forms of Therapy

You don’t have to limit yourself to Rapid Resolution Therapy or stop other treatments in favor of this method. Instead, you can continue to engage in traditional group or personal therapy sessions, take part in cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) or take other actions as you see fit. Your RRT therapist will figure out the best way to meet your needs inside and outside of his or her office.

You Won’t Be Cured Overnight

Although your mental health may improve through the use of RRT, it shouldn’t be seen as a cure for your mental or physical health issues. By reframing your issues, you give yourself a pathway to address them and overcome them in a healthy manner. However, you still have to do the work to get yourself down that path and to the finish line.

Of course, you may discover that your trauma is something that you can manage but never truly get rid of. This means that you’ll always need to be mindful of what might make you vulnerable and develop long-term coping strategies for when you feel stressed or overwhelmed.

The Link Between Trauma and Addiction

The idea that no one specific therapy is going to cure you is especially potent if your trauma led to dependency on drugs or alcohol. While it’s possible that overcoming your trauma will make you less likely to drink or use drugs, your body will always crave your substances of choice on some level.


Therefore, you’ll need to make sure that you attend group meetings or at least have someone you can talk to when you feel anxious or stressed. Inpatient assistance will likely be necessary if you are still using drugs or alcohol and have not yet begun the detox process.

This is because you may encounter a number of mental and physical health problems that can last for several hours or days. For instance, you may hear voices or see people who aren’t real. You may also feel the urge to harm yourself or others. Therefore, you are strongly encouraged to check into a program where you can withdraw in a safe and controlled environment.

There will likely be a doctor or team of doctors on staff who can provide medication or other assistance if necessary. Even if your detox goes well, a staff doctor or therapist may be able to diagnose you with ADHD, depression or other ailments that might have otherwise gone undetected. Having such a diagnosis can provide important context for yourself and future therapists in meeting your needs in a timely and effective manner.

If you or a loved one are struggling to cope with a traumatic event, you’re encouraged to look into Rapid Resolution Therapy and similar therapies. The folks at Long Island Interventions are ready to help you live a healthier life free of the negative consequences associated with drug or alcohol dependency. Our website has more information about our services, your financial options and how to enroll in your preferred treatment plan.

Reviewed for Medical & Clinical Accuracy by Long Island Treatment Center