Drug Rehab in Hempstead, New York

There are numerous drug addiction treatment programs available for you to consider in the Hempstead area.

Detox and Drug Rehab in Hempstead

Approximately 21.5 million people in America were dealing with substance abuse in 2014, which has grown more recently. More than that, friends and family members of addicts have suffered alongside them in various ways. Unfortunately, many residents in the Hempstead area have been heavily affected by drug abuse, including prescription drug abuse and illegal substance abuse. If you are included in this group, you may be feeling hopeless and even alone in your journey to get clean. While these feelings are common, rest assured that support is available to you. Long Island Treatment Center offers drug rehab in Hempstead and surrounding communities. Our compassionate team of experts has supported many addicts through the detox, rehab and recovery process, and we are ready to help you achieve the clean lifestyle that you want.

Seeking Help for Your Addiction

Numerous drug addiction treatment programs are available for you to consider in the Hempstead area. Because these programs each have different features and benefits, it is important to explore the possibilities in detail. Generally, you will find residential treatment programs, partial hospitalization programs and outpatient programs. A residential treatment program is immersive and requires you to stay overnight for the length of your treatment. A residential or partial hospitalization program may be a great option for those with significant risk factors or who need additional support with underlying health conditions. Outpatient programs may require your attendance daily for a few hours or more, but you will return home in the evening. These programs may allow you to continue working, to take care of dependents and more.

Detox Centers for Drug Rehab in Hempstead

An important initial step for drug rehab in Hempstead is detoxification. Detox is the process of ridding your body of the drugs that you are addicted to. This process can be more than uncomfortable or painful. Some withdrawal symptoms can be dangerous. Because of this, it may be crucial for you to detox with medical support. A detox center only assists with the detox process and does not offer the full range of treatment options and support that a patient may require after completing the detox process. With this in mind, it may be important for many addicts to seek treatment through drug rehab in Hempstead that offers detox support as well as a full treatment plan for recovery.

A well-rounded program for drug rehab in Hempstead may offer individual, personal and family counseling sessions. Some of these treatments include holistic healing programs, mental health services and more. Each drug addict has unique challenges and risk factors. Many addicts also have underlying mental health conditions that have not been well-treated and that may contribute to the addiction. With these factors in mind, the drug rehab process at a reputable facility will always begin with an assessment. This allows the rehab team to customize a treatment plan that puts the patient on a path toward success.

Long-Term Recovery Support Groups

Drug rehab in Hempstead has an improved success rate than trying to get clean on your own. However, it is important to understand that getting clean is an accomplishment that will require daily effort. You may be confronted with stressors, triggers, impulses and more that can lead to a relapse. Long-term recovery support groups are an important part of an addict’s life after rehab treatment. These programs place you in a group of your peers. Group members have experienced the same challenges that you have faced up to that point, and they may confront temptations daily as you might.

There are a number of reputable recovery support groups available to choose from. These support groups may be particularly suited for those who suffer from specific types of addictions. For example, Alcoholics Anonymous meets are designed to support those who are moving beyond an alcohol addiction. Other meetings are available through Narcotics Anonymous, SMART Recovery, Al-Anon and Nar-Anon.

Contact Long Island Treatment Center Today

Getting clean on your own can be a stressful experience. Furthermore, you may be less likely to achieve and maintain the desired results when you attempt to walk through the process on your own. Drug rehab in Hempstead is available to you through Long Island Treatment Center. We have actively supported many addicts in the local area on their path toward clean living. We offer detox services as well as a range of treatment options. The first step to take if you are interested in rehab is to contact our team to schedule an assessment.

Reviewed for Medical & Clinical Accuracy by Long Island Treatment Center