Wellbutrin and Alcohol: Risks, Interactions, and What You Need to Know

Wellbutrin is a commonly prescribed medication used to treat anxiety, major depression and seasonal affective disorder. It also is prescribed under a different brand name to support those who are trying to stop smoking. This medication, which is a brand name for the generic drug bupropion, offers numerous benefits, but there are dangers associated with combining Wellbutrin and alcohol. This article delves into the risks of drinking alcohol while using this medication. It also reviews health concerns and alternatives.

What Is Wellbutrin?

Wellbutrin is an antidepressant and smoking cessation aid that alters dopamine and norepinephrine in the brain. Specifically, it is believed to reduce the uptake of these brain chemicals. In this way, it functions in a similar way as some other antidepressants used to treat major depressive disorder and seasonal affective disorder. In addition to being known by its generic name, this medication is also sold as other brand names. These include Forfivo XL, Aplenzin and Zyban.

What Happens When You Mix Wellbutrin and Alcohol?

Overall, Wellbutrin’s side effects are relatively minimal and well-tolerated. However, dangerous outcomes are possible when you mix Wellbutrin with alcohol. Alcohol affects the brain’s communication pathways and is a depressant. When alcohol is consumed while taking an antidepressant, such as Wellbutrin, the antidepressant is less effective. As a result, it directly impacts the mental health treatment a person receives for depression and anxiety.

In addition, the effects of drug interactions and side effects of the antidepressant are heightened. For example, there is a risk of seizures when taking Wellbutrin, and this risk grows when you consume alcohol with Wellbutrin. Some people may experience worsening mental health symptoms, such as anxiety and depression. Other outcomes are memory loss, confusion, poor judgment and a greater likelihood of blackouts and related accidents.

Common Side Effects & Health Risks of Mixing Wellbutrin and Alcohol

There are both short-term side effects and long-term health risks associated with mixing Wellbutrin and alcohol. The risks and side effects are more pronounced when you don’t drink often and start drinking while on Wellbutrin. There are also serious risks if you regularly drink heavily or if you drink heavily and suddenly stop taking Wellbutrin.

Soon after mixing Wellbutrin and alcohol, short-term effects like nausea, confusion and dizziness are possible. Increased aggression and significant mood swings are also more likely due to the combination of these substances. Loss of coordination and seizures are Wellbutrin side effects that may become more pronounced or likely when you also consume alcohol. Be aware that taking a higher dose of Wellbutrin than prescribed, having an eating disorder or having an underlying seizure disorder magnifies the risk of a seizure.

When a person continues to drink alcohol while taking Wellbutrin, symptoms of depression can worsen. This includes an increased risk of suicidal thoughts. Risks associated with excessive alcohol consumption, such as liver damage, continue to be concerning possibilities. In addition, the likelihood of an alcohol or medication dependency and addiction increase when Wellbutrin and alcohol are consumed together over a period of time.

A person with alcohol use disorder (AUD) regularly and heavily consumes alcohol, which has a significant impact on the individual’s behavior, physical health and mental health. Signs of alcohol abuse:

  • Depression
  • Frequent headaches
  • Antisocial behavior
  • Impulsivity, poor judgment and a lack of inhibitions
  • Loneliness
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Blackouts
  • Drinking more over time to get the same feeling
  • Hiding your drinking
  • Regularly drinking alone
  • Feeling like you need to have a drink to get through the day (cravings)

Alcohol use disorder can be life-threatening and could require medical intervention. When taking Wellbutrin while withdrawing from alcohol, seizures, shakes, tremors, vomiting, hallucinations, paranoia and other serious side effects are more likely. Healthcare treatment during alcohol withdrawal symptoms is a safer option to consider.

Can Mixing Wellbutrin and Alcohol Lead to Addiction?

Alcohol is a depressive substance. It impairs a person’s ability to think clearly. It also impairs coordination and alters mood and behavior. As an antidepressant medication, Wellbutrin has some opposing health effects. Alcohol impairs Wellbutrin’s antidepressant benefits, which can lead some people to increase their dosage without consulting with their doctor.
Misusing Wellbutrin can lead to dependency. Some signs of dependency are:

  • Feeling like you need to take or use more for the same effect
  • Consuming more of the substance than prescribed or intended
  • Lack of motivation
  • Irritation or agitation

Safer Alternatives for Managing Depression & Anxiety

Managing mental health conditions like depression and anxiety are vital for your well-being, but doing so while using alcohol is dangerous. Stopping alcohol use suddenly after heavy and frequent use is harmful. If you are dealing with alcohol use disorder, consider safer alternatives than Wellbutrin. For example, other antidepressants are available that have fewer alcohol interactions. However, because there is a risk of interactions with most antidepressants, talk to your doctor about non-medication options as well.

Cognitive behavioral therapy, or CBT, is a safe option to consider. This is a type of therapy that helps people discover their unhelpful thinking patterns. Those participating in this type of treatment learn coping mechanisms and look for solutions for today’s problems rather than focusing on past issues. Support groups and group therapy can also be helpful in treating both depression and alcohol abuse.

When to Seek Treatment for Alcohol or Prescription Drug Misuse

If you have recently been prescribed Wellbutrin and struggle with alcohol misuse, consult with your doctor about alternative medications or non-medication treatments. In addition, help is available for alcohol abuse and Wellbutrin misuse.

Alcohol and prescription medication misuse and abuse are associated with underlying mental health disorders. For some people who seek treatment for alcohol or prescription drug misuse, a mental health condition is undiagnosed or may not be properly managed on the current treatment plan. Using alcohol and prescription drugs improperly may quickly provide immediate relief from some symptoms of a mental health disorder, but the relief is short-lived. More than that, the damage to your relationships, career and health can be significant.

If you experience any signs that your use of alcohol or Wellbutrin has become problematic, help is available. Some signs to look for are:

  • Experiencing more severe side effects
  • Hiding or lying about taking more of the drug than recommended
  • Lying to obtain Wellbutrin or purchasing it illegally
  • Taking a higher dose than prescribed or taking Wellbutrin more frequently than prescribed

Treatment options are available at Long Island Treatment Center. During an initial consultation, an experienced and compassionate consultant will prepare a personalized treatment plan tailored to your specific needs. Many levels of care are available, including outpatient detox, partial hospitalization, intensive outpatient treatment, evening intensive outpatient treatment and outpatient rehab. Aftercare support and services are also available to aid in maintaining long-term recovery and well-being.

Because mental health and substance abuse are closely associated, we identify underlying conditions early in the treatment process. By doing so, we can incorporate mental health treatment into the treatment plan, if needed. This approach addresses some of the underlying causes that contributed to the addiction or abuse. By addressing these causes, you may be less likely to relapse.

Contact Long Island Treatment Center

Using Wellbutrin and alcohol is dangerous as it increases immediate side effects and places you at a greater risk of long-term health effects. Prescription drug misuse and alcohol addiction or alcohol dependence are difficult to overcome on your own. In some cases, doing so without medical advice and supervision from a healthcare provider is dangerous. Long Island Treatment Center provides the support and customized addiction treatment program you need. If you are concerned about your loved one’s potential substance use, seeking guidance from a healthcare professional is recommended. Inpatient treatment may be necessary for severe cases. Contact us today for a consultation.

Does DMT show up on a Drug Test?

DMT is a powerful hallucinogenic that can alter your sense of time and affect all your senses. In this article, we’ll examine whether DMT shows up in common drug tests, along with detection times, testing methods and risks.

What is DMT?

N,n-dimethyltryptamine, better known as DMT, is a naturally occurring hallucinogenic found in certain plants. It is a core ingredient in ayahuasca, which often causes side effects such as abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and headaches.

DMT itself comes with a number of different effects, including:

  • Intense hallucinations
  • Altered perception
  • Out-of-body experiences
  • Increased blood pressure
  • Confusion and anxiety
  • Mood changes
  • Increased heart rate

DMT is classified in the U.S. as a Schedule I substance, which means it’s illegal to use, own or sell.

Does DMT Show Up on Standard Drug Tests?

DMT is currently not on the list of drugs that standard drug tests look for. However, if you’re specifically looking for it, then it can be found in urine. In other words, anyone who is suspected of taking DMT can be given a specialized drug test. For the most part, though, no standardized test has the power to detect DMT, including urine, blood, hair and saliva tests.

Compared to Other Hallucinogenics

DMT belongs to the hallucinogenic category, along with six other major narcotics. Each of these drugs has the potential for the following side effects:

  • Dilated pupils
  • Sleeplessness
  • Tremors
  • Excessive sweating
  • Dry mouth
  • Loss of appetite

As you’ll see below, each hallucinogenic has its own specific effects as well. DMT may not be the strongest drug on this list, but it still has the power to cause intense hallucinations and out-of-body experiences.


LSD is among the strongest hallucinogenics available. This mind-altering substance is derived from a fungus that is found on grains such as rye. LSD’s side effects include having a blending of the senses, mystical experiences and losing touch with reality. Although LSD isn’t considered addictive, it does cause users to take bigger and bigger doses. The overall effects of LSD often last for nine or more hours.


PCP was originally developed as an anesthetic by scientists in the 1950s. However, by 1965, its usage was stopped due to its side effects such as:

  • Out-of-body feeling
  • Feeling irrational
  • Agitation
  • Numbing effect
  • Coma
  • Seizures
  • Death

Most of the deaths caused by PCP have involved fatal accidents or suicides.
Also known as phenylcyclohexyl piperidine, killer weed and angel dust, PCP can be ingested in several ways, including sniffing, swallowing, injecting or smoking it.


Commonly referred to as ‘shrooms or magic mushrooms, psilocybin is often taken with chocolate to mask its bitter taste. Usage of this drug dates back to approximately 9000 BCE.

Side effects include:

  • Impaired judgment
  • Heightened sensory awareness
  • Panic attacks
  • Frightening hallucinations
  • Depression


Mescaline, better known as peyote, lasts for approximately 12 hours. Like psilocybin, this substance has an extremely bitter taste. As a result, many users choose to make tea with mescaline.

Peyote is entrenched in Native American culture and is believed to be one of the oldest psychedelics in the world. Frequently experienced side effects include:

  • Losing touch with reality
  • Extremely vivid mental images
  • Altered perception of time and space


Salvia divinorum, usually referred to as simply salvia, comes from South America, Central America and Mexico. The leaves can be vaporized, smoked, juiced or chewed on. Either way, common side effects include a blending of your senses and feeling like you are time traveling or floating.


Ketamine was developed as an anesthetic for animals and humans. It can be injected, swallowed or snorted. Side effects include hallucinations, losing contact with reality, difficulty breathing and an increase in blood pressure.

How Long Does DMT Stay in Your System?

DMT can be found in a specialized drug test for anywhere from a few hours to up to 90 days after your last dose. The exact amount of time, along with the side effects you’ll experience, are impacted by things such as your weight, health status, environment, your mood and how much you take. However, the following guidelines provide a general rule of thumb.

  • Urine test – Detectable for up to 24 hours, although tests of this sort are rare.
  • Blood test – May be found up to 2 hours after use.
  • Saliva test – Can detect DMT for only 3 hours.
  • Hair Follicle test – Can find proof of DMT usage for up to 90 days, but this test is rarely used.

Detection Table: Detection times for DMT (N,N-Dimethyltryptamine) in various drug tests are as follows:

Test TypeDetection WindowNotes
Urine TestUp to 24 hours after useDetects DMT metabolites; detection time may vary based on method of ingestion.
Blood TestUp to 2 hours after useDMT is rapidly metabolized, making blood tests effective only shortly after use.
Saliva TestLess than 3 hours after useDetects DMT for a short period; not commonly used.
Hair TestUp to 90 days after useCan detect long-term use; however, this test is rarely employed for DMT detection.

Please note that standard drug tests do not typically screen for DMT, and specialized tests are required to detect its presence. Additionally, factors such as dosage, frequency of use, metabolism, and overall health can influence detection times.

Factors That Affect Detection Time

As previously mentioned, there are several different factors that may affect your detection time. These include:

  • Dosage and frequency of use
  • Individual metabolism and body composition
  • Type of drug test used
  • Presence of other substances (MAOIs from ayahuasca, for instance)
  • Strength of the drug
  • Your mood upon taking DMT
  • Your environment

Due to these factors, it’s impossible for anyone else to determine exactly how long DMT will be detected. The guidelines listed above can give you a general idea, though.

Risks & Side Effects of DMT Use

There are several short-term and long-term side effects of DMT usage. Even if it’s your first time, you may still experience:

  • Intense hallucinations
  • Altered perception of time and space
  • Potential for panic attacks, anxiety, or psychosis
  • Increased heart rate and blood pressure

These short-term effects can be difficult enough to deal with. Unfortunately, you may also experience long-term effects such as:

  • Potential for risky behavior or unsafe decision-making
  • Psychological distress, especially in individuals with mental health disorders

Withdrawal Symptoms of DMT

DMT doesn’t cause typical physical withdrawal. However, psychological after-effects like anxiety, confusion, and depersonalization can occur, especially with frequent use. Pre-existing mental health conditions increase the risk of adverse effects. Combining DMT with other drugs, particularly MAOIs, is dangerous. While rare, high doses can lead to serious physical problems.

When to Seek Help for Psychedelic or Substance Use

Whether you’re using DMT or another psychedelic, there are some signs that it’s time to seek help for substance abuse. For instance, DMT and LSD are known to cause flashbacks. These can strike at any time, and they’re often terrifying. Even worse, you can experience a flashback anywhere from a day to months after your last trip.

DMT can also cause bad trips. Although you’ll typically feel euphoric after taking it, DMT may lead to feeling frightened, being paranoid, dealing with intense anxiety and being highly confused.

Something else to consider is the potential for psychological effects. While you’re on a trip, you may feel depersonalized and experience auditory distortions and visual disturbances. These can lead to an increased risk of depression, along with the possibility of developing serotonin syndrome. Other potential hazards include:

  • Restlessness
  • Edginess
  • Twitching muscles
  • Confusion
  • Tight, stiff muscles

Long Island Treatment Center offers comprehensive addiction treatment, which includes hallucinogenics. Your options include:

Our Partial Hospitalization Program enables you to sleep at home, while still receiving treatment throughout the day. While it is more limited than an inpatient program, it offers the flexibility needed for some people to get better. PHP also typically includes group and individual therapy sessions.

Our Intensive Outpatient Program works well for those who do not need constant monitoring but still need help. You’ll get to go home at night, and you’ll also experience motivational interviewing and a 12-step program. Additionally, we may have you go to family therapy.

Get Treatment for DMT Today

DMT may not show up in most drug tests, but this doesn’t mean it’s not dangerous. Instead, it simply means it’s not as commonly used as drugs like cocaine, opioids and amphetamines.

If you’ve been struggling with DMT usage, you can receive help. In fact, by enrolling in one of Long Island Treatment Center’s substance abuse programs, you’ll have the opportunity to get clean. Doing so can boost your mental and physical well-being, along with:

  • Improving your relationships
  • Increasing your energy
  • Reducing your risk of death or permanent damage
  • Reconnecting with your emotions
  • Helping you get better sleep
  • Saving you money

For those concerned about a loved one’s DMT use, understanding the available treatment options is crucial. Depending on the level of use, a medical detox may be needed to safely manage withdrawal symptoms.

You deserve to live a life that is free from substance abuse. Reach out to Long Island Treatment Center today to begin the process!

Inpatient Methadone Detox Near Me

Many rehabilitation facilities that offer a certified opioid treatment program provide the full opioid agonist, Methadone , to treat opioid use disorder. The purpose of the medication is to alter the nervous system and brain’s response to chronic pain, block euphoric opioid effects, and manage opioid withdrawal symptoms.

Detoxing from Methadone can have a distressing impact on the body. Individuals in detox can experience severe cravings, diarrhea, depression, anxiety, nausea, and muscle aches. The person will also experience abdominal cramping, insomnia, irritability, mood swings, and fever with chills.

Professional inpatient detox programs are the safest way to rid the body of this opioid and achieve effective recovery. Even with a mild case of methadone use disorder, it’s critical for the person must detox in a controlled and safe environment.

Since nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea are more severe during methadone detox, supervised detox is necessary and prevents dehydration, malnutrition, and electrolyte imbalances. Without supervision, these effects increase cardiovascular complication risks and death.

What is Inpatient Methadone Detox?

Methadone detox requires admission into a rehabilitation center where a medical staff carefully monitors the patient. The patient must remain at the rehabilitation facility throughout detox under a doctor’s care. They cannot go home once they agree to inpatient care and commit to the program until the detox process concludes. The Methadone detox process can increase life-threatening effects, and patients shouldn’t try to detox on their own.

Methadone hydrochloride or other medications may be provided as a form of medication-assisted treatment for managing withdrawal symptoms. If medication-assisted treatment is provided, the doctor will taper the medication off according to the patient’s detox progress and medical needs. The medical staff carefully monitors the patient as the doctor gradually decreases the patient’s dosage.

The patient receives fluids and electrolytes to maintain proper hydration and electrolyte balance. Nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea are symptoms that arise during detox, and the nursing staff ensures each patient receives IV fluids to maintain proper hydration until these symptoms subside.

The purpose of a inpatient detox center is to transition the person away from Methadone dependence and prevent further health risks. The detox process can take several weeks to complete, depending on the frequency of withdrawal symptoms and tolerance for a drug-free state. However, the detox process affects each patient differently, and the medical team adjusts care protocols according to what each patient needs.

Methadone Clinic

Benefits of Inpatient Methadone Detox Programs

Patients participating in inpatient Methadone detox programs receive several benefits. The programs address the patient’s individualized needs and manage withdrawal effects proactively. Here are some of the benefits of inpatient Methadone detox programs:

  • Medical Supervision for Managing Withdrawal and Discomfort: All patients are supervised by medical professionals who understand withdrawal symptoms and how to keep patients comfortable throughout detox. Methadone detox can become painful and mentally taxing. Immediate access to a medical team ensures that the patients receive the care they need throughout the medical detox process.
  • A Trigger-Free and Safe Environment with Emergency Care: During detox, addiction specialists determine the patient’s triggers to provide a safer environment for them. Identifying these triggers can help the patient detox without relapse risks. In inpatient care, these individuals have immediate access to emergency medical care should the unexpected happen.
  • Therapy and Counseling for Emotional and Psychological Support: Participating in therapy and individual counseling helps the person uncover the reason for their addiction. For many individuals, Methadone use disorder emerges because of trauma, undiagnosed mental illness, or overwhelming stress. Emotional and psychological support is critical during the methadone detoxification process and can encourage the person to continue addiction treatment for a more successful recovery.

What to Expect During Methadone Detox

Long Island residents who haven’t battled addiction previously need to know what to expect during Methadone detox. By knowing what is involved, some NY citizens find the motivation to start their recovery without fear or worry. These details explain what you can expect when beginning the Methadone detox process:

  • Initial Addiction Assessment and Personalized Treatment Plan Development: Before entering the inpatient Methadone detox program, all patients undergo initial assessments. These evaluations help counselors to develop personalized methadone treatment plan for each patient. The facility doesn’t take a one-size-fits-all approach to Methadone rehabilitation, and each patient’s treatment plan addresses everything they need.
  • Medication-Assisted Treatment to Ease Withdrawal Symptoms: Patients experience many uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms, including diarrhea, nausea, depression, vomiting, flu-like symptoms, severe cravings, and muscle aches. Medical-assisted treatment could include a variety of medications to relieve cravings and IV fluids and electrolytes for proper hydration. Methadone withdrawal could increase the risk of malnutrition, dehydration, and cardiovascular complications.
  • Emotional and Mental Counseling Sessions for Improved Recovery: Patients start individual counseling to manage the emotional and mental effects of Methadone detox. Talk therapy is critical for identifying unknown conditions that are causing the patient’s addiction and distress. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) can help patients address unhealthy thought processes and risky behaviors related to their addiction.
  • Medical Supervision: After admission, patients have immediate access to a complete medical team. If they need emergency care during detox, the staff can provide fast assistance and prevent dangerous consequences. The staff will also monitor the patient’s progress throughout the detox process and provide medication as needed for pain and discomfort. Nurses and doctors at the rehabilitation facility provide compassionate care and ensure the patient never feels alone.
  • Holistic Support for Long-Term Sobriety: Holistic medicine practices can assist with your recovery journey. Exercise and proper nutrition are vital for healing the body and lowering health risks like malnutrition. The patient’s personalized treatment plan may include an exercise plan to follow after detox, and the facility may help the patient start a new diet during their stay.

Why Choose Long Island Treatment Center

Long Island Treatment Center offers comprehensive and personalized care to support individuals on their recovery journey. Our treatment facility is staffed with highly trained professionals specializing in Methadone detox and addiction recovery, ensuring that each patient receives the best possible care.

We provide a seamless transition from detox to ongoing treatment programs, including residential treatment, inpatient treatment, outpatient treatment, intensive outpatient programs (IOPs), and partial hospitalization options. Each program is tailored to meet the unique needs of our patients, offering flexibility and accessibility for individuals at different stages of recovery.

Our center emphasizes evidence-based therapies such as group therapy, relapse prevention, and individual counseling to address both substance use and underlying mental health or behavioral health issues. Patients benefit from a supportive, accredited environment that prioritizes their wellness and long-term recovery.

For those transitioning out of formal treatment, our robust aftercare services ensure continued support, helping patients maintain sobriety and achieve lasting success. With additional resources for families, we also help patients and their loved ones rebuild relationships and foster a healthier future.

Long Island Treatment Center accepts a variety of payment options, including Medicare, making high-quality healthcare accessible to more individuals. If you or a loved one are seeking help, our recovery center is ready to provide the care and support you need. Contact us today to learn more about our programs and begin your journey to recovery.

Next Steps to Begin Recovery

  • Call Long Island Treatment Center today and schedule a free consultation.
  • Ask all the admission counselor’s questions about your Methadone addiction.
  • Long Island Treatment Center provides rehabilitation services for anyone ready to overcome Methadone dependency, and they will provide information about payment options if you don’t have insurance or don’t have enough insurance coverage for rehabilitation care.
  • Follow all instructions provided by the admission counselor leading up to your admission into the inpatient Methadone detox program.

Methadone use disorder presents many health risks, and individuals with this condition require professional help to recover. Inpatient Methadone detox programs are the first step in recovery and include personalized treatment plans, medical supervision, and holistic support for long-term sobriety.

It’s critical for anyone who wants to quit and live a Methadone-free lifestyle to enter into an inpatient detox program for their safety and comfort. Withdrawal symptoms and effects could lead to life-threatening circumstances that require immediate access to emergency medical care.

Long Island residents who want help now can get a free consultation and assessment. Contact Long Island Treatment Center today to learn more about our inpatient Methadone detox programs and start your journey to recovery.

Why Does Greening Out Happen?

Greening out is a term used to describe the overwhelming and uncomfortable effects that can occur after overconsumption of cannabis, particularly in high doses. This phenomenon is more common with edibles or potent THC concentrates, as they introduce significant amounts of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the psychoactive compound in cannabis, into the body. Here’s a closer look at the causes of greening out, its symptoms, and how to handle it safely.

What Causes Greening Out?

Greening out typically happens when a person consumes too much cannabis, resulting in an overloading of the endocannabinoid system. This system, which regulates various physiological processes such as mood, appetite, and pain perception, can become overwhelmed when exposed to high levels of THC, especially if the person’s tolerance level is low.

This experience is often more intense with edibles because the body metabolizes them differently compared to smoking weed. Edibles release THC slowly over time, which can lead to delayed effects and potential overconsumption when users take more, believing they haven’t consumed enough.

Common Symptoms of Greening Out

The side effects of greening out can vary depending on the individual, the type of cannabis used, and the amount consumed. Some of the most common greening-out symptoms include:

  • Dizziness or lightheadedness
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Rapid heart rate (increased heart rate)
  • Disorientation or confusion
  • Panic attacks or intense anxiety
  • Low blood pressure or fainting
  • Chills or sweating

These physical symptoms and psychological effects can be distressing but are rarely life-threatening. However, individuals with pre-existing health conditions, especially related to the heart or mental health, should seek medical attention if the symptoms persist or worsen. Proper hydration can help ease some of the discomfort, as dehydration can exacerbate these symptoms.

In some cases, overconsumption of cannabis can lead to cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome (CHS), a condition marked by severe nausea and vomiting. While CBD (a non-psychoactive cannabinoid) may help mitigate some of the psychoactive effects of THC, it’s important to monitor your consumption to avoid overwhelming the body’s endocannabinoid system.

Why Does It Happen More Often with Edibles and Concentrates?

Edibles and cannabis concentrates contain much higher THC levels than typical marijuana use through smoking. With edibles, the effects of THC take longer to set in because the body must metabolize them through the liver, often leading to delayed psychoactive effects. As a result, users may consume more, thinking the initial dose was insufficient, leading to overconsumption and greening out.

Concentrates, which include products like oils and dabs, also pack a much more potent THC punch, increasing the risk of experiencing adverse effects if used in large amounts or by those with lower tolerance levels.

Managing Greening Out

If you or a loved one is greening out, there are a few steps you can take to ease the symptoms and promote recovery:

  • Drink water: Staying hydrated can help mitigate feelings of nausea and dry mouth, common symptoms of greening out.
  • Find a safe space: Calm the person by moving them to a quiet, comfortable space where they can take deep breaths and relax.
  • Deep breaths: Encourage slow, deep breathing to help manage rapid heart rate and panic attacks.
  • Eat something sweet: Low blood sugar levels can contribute to feelings of lightheadedness, so eating a small snack may help stabilize this.
  • Rest and recovery: Resting in a calm environment can alleviate some of the disorienting psychological symptoms.

When to Seek Medical Attention

While greening out is rarely dangerous, certain cases may require professional medical help. If symptoms like a rapid heart rate, severe panic attacks, or fainting persist for an extended period, seeking medical attention is advisable. This is particularly true for cannabis users who have underlying heart conditions, mental health disorders, or are using cannabis products in combination with too much alcohol.

Long-Term Considerations: Addressing Cannabis Use and Abuse

For some individuals, greening out may be a one-time event triggered by overconsumption. However, frequent or problematic cannabis use can lead to more serious issues, such as cannabis use disorder (CUD) or substance use disorders. People experiencing frequent adverse effects from marijuana use may want to explore treatment options, including outpatient detox programs or behavioral health interventions, especially if their cannabis use is affecting their well-being.

Treatment Programs for Cannabis Overuse

At Long Island Treatment Center, we offer a range of programs tailored to individuals struggling with marijuana abuse or substance use disorders. Our detox programs, addiction treatment options, and outpatient behavioral health services provide comprehensive care for those dealing with the adverse effects of cannabis use, including those who frequently experience greening out. Our aim is to help individuals regain control over their substance use, improve their mental and physical health, and lead a balanced life.

If you or a loved one is struggling with the effects of cannabis overconsumption or addiction, contact us to learn more about how our treatment center can help you achieve lasting recovery.

Does Alcohol Impact Your Thyroid Health?

For most people, there is nothing wrong with enjoying alcohol in moderation. However, for some, even moderate consumption could lead to impairment or health issues such as an increased risk of thyroid cancer. Let’s take a closer look at the differences between moderate and excessive consumption, the effects of alcohol on your thyroid gland and what to do if you need help overcoming an alcohol use disorder.

What Does Moderate Consumption Look Like?

Generally speaking, moderate alcohol consumption is one drink a day or less for women and two drinks a day or less for men. This may also be articulated at seven drinks or less per week for women and 14 drinks or less for men a week. However, it is important to note that consuming more than three or four beverages in a single setting is considered binge drinking. This type of behavior can be extremely dangerous and may be a sign of possible alcohol abuse if those three or four drinks are all you have in a given week.

It’s also important to note that even a single drink can lead to significant impairment regardless of your gender. This may be true if you are an inexperienced drinker, take certain types of medications that don’t mix well with alcohol or drink on an empty stomach.

What Can Alcohol Consumption Do to Your Thyroid?

Alcohol consumption can play a role in suppressing or otherwise regulating the production of hormones called Triiodothyronine (T3) Tetraiodothyronine (T4). It is believed that alcohol can cause cellular toxicity, which results in a lower level of T3, and in some cases, it can significantly reduce the amount of this hormone in your thyroid.

Of course, this isn’t necessarily a bad thing. It may play a role in guarding against hypothyroidism, which is a condition in which the thyroid doesn’t produce enough hormone. In some cases, this is caused by an autoimmune disorder known as Graves disease. Research suggests that those who drink in moderation are less likely to develop Graves disease, and they may also be less likely to experience thyroid cancer.

However, you are discouraged from consuming more than one or two drinks a day as alcohol can have a negative impact on your liver, kidneys and other body parts. It can also lead to mental health or other issues that outweigh the benefits of a healthy thyroid.

Does alcohol affect the Thyroid?

Yes can affect thyroid function in several ways:

  • Alcohol suppresses thyroid hormone production and secretion, leading to hypothyroidism. Chronic alcohol use reduces circulating levels of T3 and hormones.
  • Alcohol disrupts the hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid axis, blunt TSH. This impairs the body’s ability to regulate thyroid function.
  • Alcohol causes direct cellular toxicity to thyroid cells, damaging tissue and thyroid nodules over time. This can reduce volume.
  • Heavy alcohol use can deplete nutrients like selenium, essential for proper thyroid hormone metabolism.
  • However, some studies suggest moderate alcohol intake may lower the risk of hypothyroidism. The effects likely depend on the amount consumed.

So, in summary, Yes, drinking alcohol, especially heavily/chronically, negatively impacts thyroid function and the endocrine system through multiple causes.

Thyroid Screening

The Jury Is Still Out in Some Regards

It’s critical to keep in mind that the research into the link between alcohol and the thyroid condition is incomplete at best. Therefore, it’s not clear if drinking too much beer will cause you to develop a hormone imbalance, immune system issues, or similar problems. Ideally, you will see your doctor if you notice any health issues after you consume alcohol or if you have trouble drinking in moderation.

Seeking Help to Combat Alcohol Dependency

There are a number of actions that you can take if you believe that you are alcohol dependent. First, you are encouraged to check into an inpatient rehab facility where you can go through an initial detox in a safe and controlled environment. Typically, it takes 48 to 72 hours to get through the worst of your withdrawal symptoms that may include nausea, increased heart rate, shaking or increased levels of anxiety.

Your healthcare provider will typically recommend an inpatient program for about 30 to 60 days to fully detox and to get the resources needed to obtain and retain your sobriety over the long-term. After you get out of an inpatient program, you will typically spend time in an outpatient program. Outpatient programs are designed for those who simply need help maintaining their sobriety or who may need help taking medication safely.

Generally speaking, a recovering addict is always susceptible to relapse. Therefore, you will probably need to go to group meetings or other outpatient events for the rest of your life. However, the good news is that your cravings for alcohol will typically wane over time, which means that it will become easier to adjust to your new life.

Tips for Maintaining Your Sobriety

While going to group meetings can be an effective way to help you stay sober, you can’t be in meetings all day. Therefore, it’s important to have a number of coping mechanisms that you can use when you’re alone. For instance, you could choose to take up painting, go to the gym or call a friend when you are feeling tempted to drink. You could also decide to play video games, write a poem or engage in other activities that will take your mind off of your urge to drink. In many cases, you’ll find your urge to consume alcohol will go away as soon as you can focus your energy on something else.

If You Know Someone Who Has a Dependency on Alcohol

Although you might not think that there is much that you can do to help your friend or loved one, this isn’t necessarily true. For instance, you could suggest that your loved one visit the doctor to have the immediate medical issue examined. Learning the link between alcohol and an ongoing thyroid issue might be enough for your friend or relative to seek treatment for alcohol dependency. You might also be able to share personal stories of how you were able to overcome alcohol dependency or how you were able to kick some other habit that was having a negative impact on your health or relationships.

If you are ready to get help for alcohol dependency, the folks at Long Island Treatment Center are here for you. We can also help the friends or loved ones of those who are dependent on alcohol to get through their days. Our team can create a treatment plan to get past your dependency on alcohol as well as treat thyroid or other health issues that may be caused by excessive alcohol consumption. You can get in touch with us right now to learn more about our services or to learn more about how to enroll in a treatment program.

Pink Oxycodone (K Pill)

Oxycodone (brand name: Oxycontin) is an opioid pain-management drug regularly prescribed to people experiencing chronic pain. It comes with a very high rate of addiction, impacting millions of people around the globe each year. As suppliers struggle to keep up with user demand, many have turned to selling counterfeit oxycodone pills, some of which mimic the real pink oxycodone hydrochloride pill. It is crucial to approach discussions about prescription medications in a responsible and medically informed manner. The information provided in this guide on pink oxycodone is for general understanding and is not a substitute for professional medical advice on the use of oxycodone.

Understanding Oxycodone Hydrochloride

It is common practice to give oxycodone to patients experiencing moderate to severe pain as a result of accidents, surgeries or long-term medical problems like cancer. Originating from the opium alkaloid thebaine, this opioid analgesic modifies pain perception by attaching to opioid receptors in the central nervous system and spinal cord. By disrupting pain signals, it provides a sense of relief. When abused, it can create feelings of euphoria and intense relaxation due to its impact on the brain’s reward system. Since its introduction in the early 1900s, oxycodone hydrochloride has undergone several changes in both composition and administration. Many question its use in comparison to other opioids (such as acetaminophen; brand name: Percocet) due to its efficacy and heightened risk of abuse.

What is Pink Oxycodone?

The opioid medicine oxycodone comes in a variety of formulations, one of which is pink oxycodone. This opioid medication usually indicates a dosage of 10 mg and most often comes in tablet or capsule form. It is easily identifiable by its distinctive pink hue and circular shape. Its intended use aligns with oxycontin’s primary medical purpose—to manage moderate to severe pain. Many other dosages are available for oxycodone hydrochloride, but those typically come in other colors.

k-56 pill

Risks and Misuse

Pink oxycodone, whether real or fake, is an opioid crisis contributor because of its high potential for misuse. Fake pills, which are sometimes mixed with powerful opioids like fentanyl, increase the risk of addiction and overuse, while real prescriptions still come with a high likelihood of substance abuse. In 2021, more than 100,000 people in the United States died from an opioid overdose.

Pill Identifier for Pink Oxycodone

Oxycodone is a powerful opioid analgesic used for moderate to severe pain. The pink oxycodone pill is typically 10 mg of immediate-release (IR) oxycodone and is available under various generic names. Below is a list of commonly seen pink oxycodone pills with their imprints:

Common Pink Oxycodone Pills & Imprints

K 5610 mg IRKVK TechRound, pink
NP 1210 mg IRNostrum LabsRound, pink
U2210 mg IRAurolife PharmaRound, pink
T 19410 mg IRCamber PharmaRound, pink


  • Be cautious of counterfeit pills, as fake oxycodone may contain fentanyl.
  • Always obtain medication through a licensed pharmacy.

Side Effects of Pink Oxycodone (10 mg IR)

Like all opioids, oxycodone has significant side effects, ranging from mild to severe. These include:

Common Side Effects

  • Drowsiness
  • Dizziness or lightheadedness
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Constipation
  • Dry mouth
  • Itching (pruritus)

Serious Side Effects (Seek Medical Help)

  • Severe respiratory depression (slow, shallow breathing)
  • Extreme drowsiness or unresponsiveness
  • Confusion, hallucinations, or agitation
  • Low blood pressure (hypotension), causing fainting
  • Severe allergic reactions (swelling of face, throat, tongue)

Long-Term Risks of Oxycodone Use

  • Dependence and addiction (opioid use disorder)
  • Increased tolerance, requiring higher doses
  • Withdrawal symptoms if stopped suddenly
  • Overdose risk, especially when combined with alcohol or benzodiazepines

Safety Tip

  • Do not mix oxycodone with alcohol, benzodiazepines, or other CNS depressants (e.g., Xanax, Valium) as it increases overdose risk.
  • If prescribed, consider naloxone (Narcan) for emergency overdose reversal.

Tapering Oxycodone (To Prevent Withdrawal)

Recommended Tapering Schedule

  • For long-term opioid users: Reduce 10-20% per week
  • For short-term users (<2 weeks): Reduce 25-50% every few days
  • Final dose: When at 5-10 mg/day, reduce by 2.5 mg every few days before stopping.

Managing Withdrawal Symptoms

  • Clonidine (0.1–0.2 mg every 6–8 hours) for sweating, agitation
  • Loperamide for diarrhea
  • Ondansetron for nausea
  • NSAIDs for muscle pain
  • Trazodone or Melatonin for sleep disturbances

Legal and Regulatory Aspects

Because of the potential for abuse, oxycodone is subject to stringent regulation by health authorities. How physicians prescribe it and how simple it is to obtain it are both affected by this. Having oxycodone hydrochloride (a Schedule II controlled substance) on hand or distributing it without a prescription can lead to serious legal ramifications. Possible outcomes include facing legal action, monetary penalties and jail time. To avoid legal consequences and to emphasize public and individual safety, it is essential to purchase oxycontin via genuine medical channels and only with valid prescriptions.

cost of detox

Health Implications

Pink oxycodone has short-term effects, including pleasure and pain relief. Other possible side effects of oxycodone include drowsiness, constipation (or gastrointestinal discomfort), low blood pressure, lightheadedness, sleepiness, dry mouth, and nausea. Addiction, breathing problems and physical dependence can occur with prolonged usage of these pain relievers, and when taking high doses. In extreme circumstances, a person may overdose and experience respiratory depression. Using prescription opioids, such as pink oxycodone, requires close medical monitoring to avoid overdose, addiction or dependency, as well as to monitor for serious side effects.

Identifying Counterfeit Pills

You can tell the difference between genuine and counterfeit pink oxycodone tablets by looking at their color, markings and packaging. The real ones follow FDA-established protocols in their manufacturing processes, but the fake ones run the risk of including harmful chemicals, such as fentanyl. If you want to know how to spot fake or dangerous drugs, you need to be aware of these differences.

Fake oxycodone tablets, especially the pink ones, are quite common and a big threat to people’s health. For reasons of patient safety, it’s very important that you be able to distinguish real pills from fake ones. To make sure yours are real, always do your best to be the person who picks them up from the pharmacy. If you can’t, always have someone you trust bring your prescription straight to you from the pharmacy. Taking fake prescription drugs can easily lead to adverse side effects, including overdoses due to fentanyl exposure.

Treatment for Oxycodone Addiction

Those with an opioid addiction use a wide range of treatment options and communities to help them overcome their drug abuse. Access to medical experts, support groups, counseling and rehabilitation facilities are all part of this. Inpatient programs tend to work best for those with severe dependency and misuse issues. Outpatient programs work well for those with a stable home environment and steady employment. Addiction treatment programs that focus on the client’s mental health may include counseling, support groups and behavioral treatments. Professional medical guidance is essential to safely deal with withdrawal symptoms, and continuing support networks are vital for long-term sobriety.


Prevention and Education

To take pink oxycodone safely, you should follow your healthcare provider’s prescription instructions precisely. Do not change the form of oxycodone you’ve been prescribed or take a higher dose of oxycodone than prescribed. Store the drug at room temperature and keep it in its original container. Do not drink alcohol if you are taking pink oxycodone, since it can make the negative side effects worse (increased sedation, for example). To avoid drug interactions, like in the case of taking antidepressants, such as MAOIs, or muscle relaxants, it is important to tell your doctor about any health issues you are currently experiencing.

Raising public awareness of the hazards associated with pink oxycodone is an important step in preventing its misuse. By providing people with information on how to take pain medications safely, education plays a crucial role in reducing the impacts of the opioid epidemic as a whole. Communities and healthcare professionals can work together on this by supporting educational tools, raising awareness and encouraging ethical prescribing and substance use practices.


As more counterfeit pills infiltrate the consumer market, everyone should learn how to tell the fake ones from the real ones. If you ever have any questions about a pill, visit the pharmacy right away. By taking opioids responsibly and exactly as prescribed, you greatly reduce your risk of developing an addiction.


Eight Ball of Coke: a Phrase Straight Out of Movies and Television

Chances are that most people have heard the phrase “eight ball of coke” at some point within the past. Seemingly omnipresent in Hollywood movies and TV shows, it’s often shortened to just an “eight ball.” But what does this phrase mean, exactly? When an American drug dealer refers to an eight ball, they are likely describing 3.5 grams of coke, which translates into one-eighth of an ounce. The term seemed to start popping up during the height of the cocaine craze in the 1980s.

Cocaine: the Truth behind the Glamorous Façade

When watching films like “Blow”, it can be easy for many viewers to get caught up in the façade of fast money and travel; one may start to believe that there are no consequences for cocaine use. This ethos, however, could not be further from the truth. While drug lords such as Pablo Escobar and El Chapo lived the high life for years, making billions of dollars, both of their empires came down with a crashing thud. But one does not have to be a drug lord to suffer the consequences of snorting and dealing cocaine. In fact, many times, the horrifying aftereffects of cocaine abuse are felt by innocent people such as the loved ones of frequent cocaine users.

When Doctors Take to TikTok to Warn People of the Hazards of Cocaine

Although many seem to be suffering from the false perception that cocaine no longer affects Americans the way it did in the 1980s during Escobar’s reign, ER doctors have recently been taking to social media platforms such as TikTok to share how just a few lines of cocaine can destroy someone’s life or even kill them. Of course, the medical literature on this topic supports what the doctors are saying; it is possible for a person to snort only a few grams of cocaine and then experience a cardiovascular event (e.g. a heart attack) that leads to their death.

Was Cocaine Really in Soda? A Brief History of Cocaine

Although cocaine is relatively new to many enclaves of society, having been around in its current form for a little over a century, indigenous people in South America have been consuming the coca plant — from which it is derived — for thousands of years. When chewing on the leaves of this plant, they noticed short-term effects, namely a burst of energy in their bodies. Back in the 1500s, European explorers to the Andes region took note of the effects of the coca plant as well. Three centuries later, two German chemists would change everything. In 1855, a chemist and pharmacist named Friedrich Gaedcke was able to isolate cocaine’s alkaloid from the leaves of the plant. Seven years later, his countryman Albert Neimann would up the ante by distilling cocaine in its pure form. After this occurred, it wasn’t long before the drug was being put to use by the medical community and even included in an ingredient in tonics — not to mention America’s favorite drink, Coca-Cola. The drug would remain as an ingredient in the soda until 1904.

The Early 1900s: Cocaine Users Notice Some Downsides

In the beginning, cocaine had a lot of fans. Sigmund Freud famously sang its praises in a letter to his wife, mentioning a lecture he had done. “Despite the lack of preparation, I spoke quite well and without hesitation, which I ascribe to the cocaine I had taken before hand.” However, not everyone was having such a successful time with the drug. Many had noticed that powder cocaine made them jittery, elevated their heart rate and blood pressure, and caused insomnia and psychosis alongside a plethora of other health problems. It wasn’t long before law enforcement was stepping in to regulate the substance use of cocaine. In 1913, Dr. Abraham Glickstein, who was accused of running a mail order cocaine business, defended himself in court by stating that he was permitted to prescribe cocaine as a physician.

The 1980s

It was in the 1980s, however, that the United States experienced a true cocaine boom. As the streets of many American cities — especially Miami — were awash in violence due to the cocaine epidemic, President Ronald Reagan and his wife, Nancy, declared a war on drugs. It was during this intense time that the short-term and long-term effects of cocaine became very well-known. Users noticed that the drug increased their alertness and made them more chatty. They liked the confidence and boost of energy the drug gave them, but they did not like the withdrawal symptoms or constant cravings for more cocaine.

Sold in Kilos: the Business of Cocaine

Traditionally, cocaine has been sold in kilogram bundles; traffickers have found that this is the unit that works best for them. Unsurprisingly, cocaine cost is usually lower in South America because the drug is closer to its source and has not been processed by so many middlemen. Users in North America, however, will often complain that their cocaine has been “stepped on” too many times by the time they get it. This means that dealers have added filler ingredients in order to spread out their supply and maximize profits. Dealers will cut their coke with a myriad of different ingredients, sometimes mixing the drug with baby laxatives or talcum powder. By the time the final consumer receives the drug in a North American city, the purity may be hovering around the 60% mark. Of course, the cost and purity of cocaine varies widely based upon what’s happening on the planet. During the COVID-19 pandemic, for example, many cocaine users in the United States felt that their access to the drug was much more limited due to the lockdown.

eight ball cocaine

How Much Is an Eight Ball of Cocaine?

Again, cocaine cost tends to fluctuate a great deal based upon world events — and the laws of whatever land a cocaine user may happen to find themselves in. When the penalty for a drug-related offense like a cocaine overdose is death, such as it is in some areas of the Middle East, the price of cocaine skyrockets because dealers are less likely to take big risks. However, there are some areas of the world where it is just harder for people to acquire even an ounce of cocaine, such as Australia. As a result, the cost of an eight ball in Australia was around $1,000 in 2023.

Why Is Cocaine So Addictive?

For a long time, it has been known that cocaine wields the power to ruin lives. Because it amps up dopamine levels in the body, users experience a euphoric high. Many times, they want more of the drug right away. After a user has been doing coke for a while, their body will adjust to the cycle of their usage, eventually becoming tolerant of the drug. This means that the person will have to keep increasing the amount of cocaine they take in order to experience the same kind of high.

Cocaine Can Destroy Communities and Families

Unfortunately, cocaine can wreak complete havoc upon a person’s life. The side effects of the drug — combined with the exorbitant cost — make for a disastrous mix. The crack cocaine epidemic of the 1980s revealed just how easily the drug can shatter entire cities. One silver lining for people seeking addiction treatment now, though, is that treatment centers now have upwards of 40 years of experience with treating cocaine addictions. Counselors and administrators understand what it takes to get off the drug for good. It can be extremely difficult — and cocaine detox is particularly exhausting — but many former cocaine addicts have gone on to live productive and successful lives.

The First Step Is Admitting You Need Help

One of the reasons that cocaine can be notoriously difficult to treat is that it has a reputation as a “party” drug. For every person suffering from addiction, there is a person who can use the drug once a year and not suffer many consequences. But what does a person with a history of substance abuse do when the party is over and they’re still going through a few eight balls of coke every week? It may be time to contact the team at Long Island Treatment Centers. With a great deal of experience treating cocaine addictions — and helping clients to create new, more positive neural pathways, this group is truly committed to helping people make the changes they need in order to transform their lives. We offer both inpatient and outpatient treatment programs as well as medical detox. Also, there may be some weekend cocaine users who would benefit from consulting with the center. With this drug, it is unbelievably easy to slip from casual drug use into something more frequent. Anyone who feels like they may be on the precipice is encouraged to reach out and make sure they’re protecting their well being by taking this proactive step.


How Long Does Xanax Affect the Brain?

Xanax’s generic name is alprazolam. It is an anti-anxiety medication that belongs to a group of substances called benzodiazepines. Xanax is commonly used to treat panic disorders and anxiety. Although it can help improve symptoms, it is an addictive medication. In 2020, more than 4.7 million teens and adults reported misusing prescription benzodiazepines.[1] It is important to understand Xanax and how it affects the brain. Also, it is important to understand the potential risks and effects of long-term use.

Understanding Xanax

Although some people use Xanax for a long time, experts recommend using it only for a short period.[2] However, it also has off-label uses. For example, it works as a muscle relaxant and a sedative. Benzodiazepines are depressants that are designed to slow the central nervous system. After a person takes Xanax, the substance increases gamma-aminobutyric acid’s effects. As a result, the person feels more relaxed. Since Xanax reduces excitement in the brain, it is an effective treatment for panic disorders and anxiety.

Immediate Effects of Xanax on the Brain

Most people who take Xanax feel the effects within an hour.[3] Its peak concentration in the blood usually occurs within one to two hours. Although the half-life of Xanax is about 11 hours, people feel the effects for varying periods.[3] Metabolism, body composition, dosage, health history and other factors can influence how long people feel the effects. For some people, the effects may last under 10 hours. The effects may last up to 24 hours for others.

When Xanax starts working, it makes a person feel sedated. Its effects on GABA in the brain reduce feelings of stress or anxiety. Also, the effects may cause slowed motor function. Some people report feeling lightheaded. Some people may also experience unpleasant side effects. Memory loss, confusion, hostility, disturbing dreams and irritability are a few examples of potential side effects.[2] Anyone who is prescribed Xanax should understand all the potential side effects before taking the medication.

Long-Term Effects of Xanax on the Brain

Prolonged use of Xanax can cause neurological and cognitive problems. Some people may experience prolonged memory loss.[5] However, some memory loss from Xanax is reversible. Benzodiazepine-induced neurological dysfunction is a proposed term for a condition that scientists are still studying.[6] It encompasses the long-lasting effects of benzodiazepine use. In recent studies, researchers found that a significant number of people suffered prolonged effects after stopping benzodiazepine use. Distractedness, anxiety, nervousness, low energy and memory loss lingered for a year or longer for some participants.[6]

Xanax Tolerance, Dependence and Withdrawal

Xanax’s effects on the brain lead to tolerance over time.[4] That tolerance can be dangerous since it means a person needs more of the substance to feel the same effects. People who build tolerance often become dependent, which means they go through withdrawal without the substance. All these steps can lead to addiction, which requires professional treatment to overcome.

Symptoms of Xanax Withdrawal

It is important to understand the symptoms of withdrawal and watch for them.[7] These are some common symptoms:

  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Tremors
  • Restlessness
  • Muscle spasms or pain
  • Sweating
  • Delirium or confusion
  • Headaches
  • Insomnia

People who experience withdrawal may also notice a return of their original anxiety or panic disorder symptoms. For instance, someone with a panic disorder may have panic attacks as well.

Xanax and the brain

Xanax and Brain Plasticity

Neuroplasticity is the brain’s ability to adapt to changes and alter responses.[8] Although that ability can be beneficial, it can lead to harmful consequences when the brain adapts to drugs. However, since it also allows people to change their behaviors, it can help reverse drug-related changes. People learn to harness the power of neuroplasticity by developing healthier behaviors and coping mechanisms during addiction treatment. Therapists may recommend family, group and individual therapy.

Managing and Minimizing Xanax Risks

People should only use Xanax when a physician prescribes it. Misusing it by taking someone else’s medication can be harmful beyond the risk of addiction. For example, someone who takes another medication that interacts with Xanax may experience negative or dangerous effects. Also, taking a larger dose or taking the medication more often than prescribed can also be detrimental. People who notice withdrawal symptoms should notify the prescribing physician promptly. Anyone who wants to taper off Xanax should follow their doctor’s specific recommendations.

Xanax Alternatives

Therapists can prescribe other anxiety medications that have fewer risks. Today, there are also many alternative treatments for anxiety. Therapy helps many people improve their quality of life. Diet, exercise and other lifestyle changes may also help. Some people benefit from a career change. The best way to address anxiety is to work with a qualified therapist. Anyone who experiences panic attacks or symptoms of anxiety should seek medical attention. Symptoms can worsen without help and can interfere with many aspects of life.

Xanax Addiction Treatment in Long Island

Although Xanax’s immediate effects may last up to a day, prolonged use or misuse can have long-term negative effects. Do you or someone you know need treatment for Xanax addiction? Whether you obtained Xanax legally or not, Long Island Treatment Center can help. Professional treatment gives you the support you need as you learn to change your habits and behaviors. We offer several levels of outpatient programs for benzodiazepine addiction. Also, we offer dual-diagnosis treatment that focuses on addiction and underlying mental health conditions at the same time. By providing comprehensive treatment, we help people reduce relapse risks. Please contact us to learn more about Xanax addiction treatment in Long Island.


[1] https://www.samhsa.gov/data/sites/default/files/reports/rpt35323/NSDUHDetailedTabs2020v25/NSDUHDetailedTabs2020v25/NSDUHDetTabsSect1pe2020.htm
[2] https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/326528
[3] https://www.healthline.com/health/how-long-does-xanax-last
[4] https://dailymed.nlm.nih.gov/dailymed/drugInfo.cfm?setid=388e249d-b9b6-44c3-9f8f-880eced0239f
[5] https://www.goodrx.com/conditions/dementia/can-xanax-and-valium-increase-your-risk-of-alzheimers
[6] https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37384788/
[7] https://www.healthline.com/health/xanax-withdrawal-symptoms
[8] https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/brain-plasticity-in-drug-addiction-burden-and-benefit-2020062620479

Symptoms of Being Roofied: What Are They and What Should You Do?

If you’re partying, clubbing, or enjoying your time outside, a friend might have warned you of being roofied. This means someone spiked your drink against your will to affect your judgment.

In social settings, particularly nightlife environments, the risk of being drugged without consent is an unfortunate reality. Understanding the symptoms of being roofied, especially with common date rape drugs like benzodiazepines (including Xanax) and gamma-hydroxybutyric acid (GHB), is crucial for personal safety. This article aims to shed light on the symptoms of being roofied and provide guidance on what actions to take if you suspect you’ve been drugged, so keep reading to learn more about this topic.

But before getting into the discussion, let’s talk first and understand what these common drugs used to roofie.

What Are the Symptoms of Being Roofied?

Being roofied is a slang term that refers to the situation when one is drugged against their will. It refers to the misuse of Rohypnol (flunitrazepam), but other drugs like Ketamine and GHB can also produce the same effect.

Yet, Rohypnol’s effects can last for several hours, unlike other drugs, whose effects can last for one hour or so.

Offenders use this drug, usually referred to as the date rape drug, to facilitate committing sexual assault without consent. The person being roofied won’t be in their right mind.

Detecting the common signs of being roofied can be confusing, especially if you’ve been drinking. Initially, you might feel like you’ve just had too many drinks. However, here are some telltale signs that someone has roofied you.

Brain Fog

Although feeling euphoria is quite common during the initial stages, dealing with brain fog is the most common symptom of being roofied. You suddenly feel that everything is blurry and that you can no longer think or act normally.


You suddenly feel that you no longer realize who you’re with, where you are, or what you’re doing. You feel out of place and might become too dizzy to comprehend your surroundings. Falling and hitting objects is quite common if you attempt to stand or walk on your own.

passed out girl

Difficulty Focusing

You can no longer focus on the words and start stuttering. You experience a lack of concentration, and you feel like you can’t control your thoughts.

A lot of victims report having a slower reaction time. They might not respond well to actions and words.

Loss of Muscle Control or Muscle Relaxation

The simple act of standing up becomes challenging without help. You might feel like someone is dragging you, and you can’t stop them. If they try to assault you, you won’t be able to push back.

Many people who have been roofied reported that they felt like their bodies weren’t responding to them. Some victims also explained that they sensed some sort of paralysis.

Having trouble breathing can also be a sign that you’ve been roofied. Since the drug affects your muscles and how they respond, you might not be able to breathe well, especially in crowded places. But, again, this can be the excuse your assaulter will use to get you out.


The drug that has been slipped into your drink can cause nausea, especially when you’ve been drinking. However, a lot of people also experience vomiting.

Memory Blackouts or Memory Loss

Most people lose consciousness when they’re roofied. Because the effects of roofies are too strong, many people can’t recall what happened except the next day or a few days after the incident.

This depends on the amount of drug that has been slipped into their drink and the amount of alcohol they’ve been taking. In addition, some people will interact differently with the drug, so they can experience worse symptoms.

After the side effects of the drug have worn off, people usually struggle to recall the details of what happened. Some of them will also completely block out the memory because of the shock, although a medical examiner can still detect the signs of physical assault.

How Common Is Being Roofied?

Unfortunately, being roofied is quite common as the drug is easy to obtain. Statistics show that almost 11% of women had been roofied, and most had their drinks spiked by someone they knew. Additionally, 12% of women reported that they knew someone who had been roofied.

Although anyone can get roofied, women are more likely to get roofied than men. Teens and women younger than 30 are at a higher risk than older women.

Rohypnol pills easily dissolve in liquids, and they’re tasteless, colorless, and odorless, so the person being roofied won’t detect that there’s something wrong with their drink. Some new pills will leave a blue tinge in the drink, but people can still get colorless drugs.

A dosage of 1 mg can cause side effects for up to 8 hours. These effects become more significant when this drug is mixed with alcohol.

Emergency Care

What Should You Do if You Think You’ve Been Roofied?

Feeling that you’re losing control over your body and mind can be terrifying, so you can do the following if you suspect you’ve been roofied.

  • Don’t go out without anyone knowing your whereabouts. Tell a trusted friend or a family member where you’re going and ask them to check on you, especially if you’re meeting a stranger for the first time.
  • Don’t attempt to leave your location unless you’re in danger. Remember that you might not be able to control your actions or reactions, so it’s better to stay in a safe place or where you are.
  • Avoid driving the car and stay around people as much as you can.
  • Call a friend and ask for help. Acting fast can save you in this situation.
  • If you can’t call a friend, ask someone to help you. Make them notice that you’re not OK.
  • Call 911 and tell them that you’ve been drugged.
  • Drink as much water as possible to help your body flush out the drug.
  • If you wake up the next day and suspect you’ve been roofied, seek medical help. Ask for a medical examination to see if you’ve been physically assaulted.
  • Ask for a rape kit and get tested for sexually transmitted diseases. In most cases, the hospital staff will use pregnancy prevention medication.

What Should You Do if You Think Someone Has Been Roofied?

If you suspect someone has been roofied at a club or party, it’s crucial to take immediate action to ensure their safety and well-being. Here are steps you can take to help:

  • Draw Attention to Suspicious Behavior: If you’ve witnessed someone tampering with another person’s drink, discreetly draw attention to it. Alerting others to the situation can help prevent potential harm.
  • Seek Help from Others: Don’t hesitate to ask other people for assistance and keep the affected individual away from potential predators. Working together as a group can provide additional support and protection.
  • Encourage Hydration: Make sure the affected person drinks as much water as they can. Hydration can help dilute any substances in their system and alleviate some symptoms.
  • Avoid Administering Medications: Refrain from giving the affected person any medications, as they may interact with substances already in their system and worsen the situation.
  • Call Emergency Services: Dial 911 or the appropriate emergency number, like the national sexual assault hotline, to report the situation and request immediate assistance. This ensures that professional help arrives promptly and that legal assistance can be provided if necessary.
  • Seek Medical Attention or Medical Care: Take the affected person who were roofied to the hospital or an emergency room to seek medical help. Medical professionals can conduct necessary tests, provide treatment, and monitor the individual’s condition closely.

By taking swift and decisive action, you can help ensure the safety and well-being of someone who may have been roofied. Your intervention can make a significant difference in preventing further harm and facilitating the individual’s recovery process.

Addiction Treatment and Emergency Care

Unfortunately, being roofied is more common than you think. Symptoms of being roofied can be confused with the feelings of being drunk, but the lack of proper judgment and loss of concentration usually worsen over time. In most cases, the person will lose consciousness and can’t recall what is happening.

If you suspect you’ve been drugged or your loved one, consider seeking addiction treatment, proper healthcare, or detox services. Substance misuse, whether intentional or involuntary, can have severe consequences on mental health and overall well-being. Additionally, if symptoms are severe or if there’s a risk of overdose, seek emergency medical care immediately.

Understanding Benzodiazepines (brand name Xanax) and GHB 

Benzodiazepines, including Xanax and Valium, are potent depressants that affect the central nervous system. They are known for inducing drowsiness, confusion, and memory loss beyond the expected effects of alcohol consumption. GHB (gamma-hydroxybutyrate), also known as liquid ecstasy, is a central nervous system depressant notorious for its ability to cause sudden weakness, muscle relaxation, and blackouts. Ingestion of these substances without consent can lead to serious consequences, including loss of consciousness and potential sexual violence.

Residential Detoxification


Unfortunately, being roofied is more common than you think. Symptoms of being roofied can be confused with the feelings of being drunk, but the lack of proper judgment and loss of concentration usually worsen over time. In most cases, the person will lose consciousness and can’t recall what is happening.

If you notice these symptoms, seek immediate help and stay away from the person you think is trying to assault you.


  • How do you feel and what should you do the day after being roofied?

Does Kratom Show Up on a Drug Test?

With the increasing interest in herbal remedies, kratom (mitragyna speciosa) has gained attention. This leaf, from an evergreen coffee tree native to Southeast Asia, has been used traditionally for its stimulant and opioid-like effects. This raises the question: does kratom use show up on a drug test?

Does Kratom Show Up on a Drug Test?

Generally, kratom is not detectable on a standard 5-panel drug test, the most common type used by employers and law enforcement. This standard test screens for substances like THC, cocaine, opiates, amphetamines, and phencyclidine.

However, while not included in standard panels, kratom can be detected in some drug tests. Although standard blood and urine tests may not pick it up, specialized tests exist specifically designed to detect kratom and its metabolites. These tests, such as the kratom 10-panel test, can identify even small amounts of kratom alkaloids in a person’s system.

Detecting Kratom in Drug Tests

The detectability of kratom depends on the specific test. While routine drug screenings typically don’t include kratom, certain blood and urine tests, when specifically targeted, can reveal kratom use. The presence of kratom metabolites can also extend the detection window, meaning kratom may be detectable for a longer period after use. Therefore, while not universally screened for, kratom isn’t undetectable.

Urine Test

Urine Test

Traces of kratom can be found in the urine using a 10, 12, or 16-panel drug test. These traces can last in your system for up to seven days.

Blood Test

If someone uses kratom regularly, there’s a big chance kratom will last in their system for an extended period, long enough to be detected in a blood test. However, blood tests are less likely to be used than urine tests to detect kratom in your system.

This is because they have a small detection window from a few hours to a few days, and in general, they’re considered less accurate than urine tests.

Saliva Test

Although saliva testing is common for other drugs, there’s no test available for kratom. So, kratom might not be detectable in your saliva, even if you’ve consumed the drug within a few hours.

Hair Follicle Test

Hair follicle testing is common for most types of drugs, but there’s no test available for kratom. Although other drugs can be detected in hair follicles for up to 90 days, more research is needed to see if this testing method can detect kratom.

Test TypeDetectability
Urine TestDetectable in 10, 12, or 16-panel tests; lasts up to 7 days
Blood TestDetectable for a few hours to a few days; less common than urine tests
Saliva TestNo available test for kratom in saliva
Hair Follicle TestNo available test for kratom in hair; more research needed

Mitragynine, the primary alkaloid in kratom, acts as a partial opioid agonist, binding to opioid receptors and producing effects similar to opioids. While some researchers classify kratom as an opioid due to this interaction, the classification remains debated.

Factors affecting Test Results

Several factors influence how long kratom remains detectable in your system.

  • Substance abuse, especially alcohol use, can similarly extend the effects of kratom and potentially increase the likelihood of experiencing side effects. Whether kratom is taken on an empty stomach or not is less of a factor in how long it stays in the system compared to the other factors listed above.
  • Age plays a role. Younger people tend to process substances more quickly than older people.
  • Body fat also matters. Individuals with a higher fat percentage may retain kratom for a longer period, as it can be stored in fatty tissues.
  • Dosage is a significant factor. Higher doses of kratom will generally remain in your system longer than low doses.
  • Metabolism influences how quickly your body processes kratom. People with slower metabolic rates may process it less efficiently.
  • Health conditions, particularly liver issues, can impact kratom breakdown. A compromised liver may struggle to metabolize kratom effectively.
  • Combining kratom with certain medications can also prolong its effects and slow its elimination from the body.

What Are the Side Effects of Kratom?

Although a lot of people believe that kratom can have a lot of benefits, especially if they’re trying to quit opiates, researchers believe that the side effects and safety concerns of this drug are more than the potential benefits.

Muscle pain

Some side effects are more common with higher dosages, so it’s best to avoid this drug completely. People usually experience these effects five to ten minutes after taking kratom, but they can last for two to five hours.

Moreover, the side effects can be present in an infant breastfed by a mother who took kratom. Side effects might be worse when someone mixes kratom with other pain medications.

Here are the most common side effects of kratom.

  • Weight loss
  • Dry mouth
  • Muscle pain
  • Chills
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Constipation
  • Headaches
  • Changes in urination
  • Liver damage
  • Drowsiness
  • Dizziness
  • Hallucinations
  • Confusion
  • Depression
  • Breathing suppression
  • High blood pressure
  • Seizures
  • Coma
  • Death
doctor consultation


Kratom, while a herbal extract, is not without risks. Originally used for its stimulating effects, higher doses can produce opium-like effects, leading some to misuse it for managing opioid withdrawal. However, kratom is not a safe alternative and carries a range of severe side effects. While it may be detectable in specialized drug tests for up to a week, standard drug panels typically do not screen for it. Regardless of detection windows, it’s crucial to avoid kratom due to the potential for serious health consequences, including seizures and even death, particularly with higher doses.

If you or someone you know is struggling with kratom use or other substance abuse issues, seeking help is essential. Long Island Treatment Center offers addiction treatment and detox programs. Effective treatment options are available to support recovery and improve mental health. Please call Long Island Treatment Center to learn more about kratom, its effects, and the available resources for help.


  • What Is Kratom?

Understanding Benzo Belly: The Uncomfortable Reality of Benzodiazepine Withdrawal

Living with anxiety and stress can lead to a lot of health issues. People try to solve this problem by taking prescription medications that can do more harm than good when misused.

Benzo belly is the common name for what people experience when they stop using Benzodiazepines, which are used to treat different mental health conditions. But quitting the drug can be extremely uncomfortable.

This article will explain what benzo belly is, how long it takes your body to get rid of the symptoms, and what you should do when you experience the annoying withdrawal effects. Keep reading to learn more about this topic.

What Is Benzo Belly?

Although Benzodiazepines are prescribed medications to treat anxiety and stress, they can quickly cause dependency and addiction. So, people try to quit these drugs independently, not knowing how they’ll manage the withdrawal symptoms.

When you stop taking anxiety drugs, your body shows annoying physical symptoms. The most common one of them is gastrointestinal discomfort and muscle cramps in the abdomen.

Some people experience muscle pain all over their bodies, but the pain in the stomach area is the most common side effect of stopping using your Benzodiazepine medication.

What Are Benzodiazepines?

These are prescription drugs that people take to treat anxiety, stress, panic attacks, and depression. They affect the central nervous system by acting as depressants that make you feel calm, sleepy, and drowsy.

Some types of Benzodiazepines include Xanax, Librium, Valium, Ativan, Klonopin, Restoril, and Halcion. They enhance the dopamine levels in the brain, making you feel more relaxed and happier. Unfortunately, after using these drugs for a few weeks, your body will stop producing these hormones naturally.

Different drugs have different half-life durations, as some can last for less than 24 hours, while other long-acting compounds can last more than 48 hours in your system.

Benzodiazepines or benzos are highly addictive because the body quickly builds tolerance. This means that you need to take a larger dose to experience the same calming effect.

Patients who take these drugs become extraordinarily irritable and unable to function normally when they don’t take their usual dosage. They also psychologically associate the usage of the drug with stress relief, so they become dependent.

What Are the Side Effects of Benzodiazepines?

Benzos are perfectly safe when used in moderation as prescribed. Exceeding the dosage and using these drugs for long periods can lead to several annoying side effects. Here are some of them.

  • Sleepiness
  • Drowsiness
  • Muscle weakness
  • Loss of balance
  • Unsteadiness
  • Lack of stability
  • Memory blackouts

What Are Benzo Belly Symptoms?

When you stop taking your Benzodiazepine medication, you’re likely to experience the withdrawal symptoms within a few hours, especially around the time you’re supposed to take the next dosage.

Some of the withdrawal symptoms can last for a few days or weeks. Yet, some people might not experience anything except a few of these symptoms. Here are the benzo belly or benzo withdrawal symptoms.

  • Lower abdominal pain
  • Appetite changes
  • Elevated blood pressure
  • Constipation or diarrhea
  • Muscle tension
  • Cramps and spasms
  • Bloating
  • Water retention that leads to weight gain
  • Chest pain
  • Headaches
  • Fever
  • Nausea

How Do Benzo Belly Symptoms Progress?

Benzo detox takes varying periods in different people, depending on their age, their metabolism level, how long they’ve taken the drug, and other medications they use. So, if you’ve been using Benzodiazepines for an extended period, you’re more likely to experience the annoying symptoms for longer.

In general, benzo belly symptoms can be divided into three stages.

Early Withdrawal

You’re likely to experience these symptoms when you miss your first dosage. Some fast-acting medications can cause these symptoms within 24 hours.

These include anxiety, irritability, and sleep disturbance. Although the symptoms aren’t severe, people are more likely to experience a relapse during this period because they resemble the symptoms of anxiety and panic they might be taking the medication for.

Acute Withdrawal

The worst and most painful symptoms start within five to 19 days of taking your last dose. After the acute withdrawal phase, pain can last for a few months.

Some people report that drinking and eating usually worsen the pain. This explains why most people quit during the withdrawal period, as they can’t live normally. Moreover, these symptoms can cause anxiety and panic, making the patient feel worse after feeling better.

This is why gradual withdrawal with the supervision of a medical specialist is the best way to control your usage of Benzodiazepines. They can help you manage your symptoms, so you don’t have to consume larger amounts of the drug to feel better.

During this stage, patients can experience some psychotic episodes. These might have life-threatening effects.

Protracted Withdrawal

After the withdrawal symptoms have worn off, some people will experience a late onset of withdrawal symptoms. Although they’ve completed their treatment, they’re most likely to experience the symptoms because of the prolonged use of the drug.

These symptoms include motor and sensory issues. They also include learning disabilities from prolonged use.

Why Do You Get Benzo Belly?

Benzos affect the brain, but there has been a lot of research regarding why the withdrawal of these drugs affects the digestive tract when you quit them.

Some research suggests that the benzo belly is related to the brain-gut connection. The gut-brain axis relates to the connection between the emotional and cognitive areas in the brain to the digestive tract. This communication network connects these two areas in the body and might be the reason why you experience benzo belly.

Another theory suggests that benzo belly symptoms are associated with the chaos in your brain as you quit your drug. Benzodiazepines enhance the GABA receptors in the brain, while gut bacteria release GABA, which can lead to feelings of anxiety and fear.

When you take the drug, the bacteria’s functions are interrupted. As you stop taking it, the bacteria can excessively produce gas in the gastrointestinal tract, which explains the feeling of bloating and discomfort you will experience.

How Do You Manage Benzo Belly?

Understanding your condition and working with a doctor or medical specialist is the best way to tackle your benzo belly issue. It’s important to know that the discomfort can last for months, and you should have your heart set on quitting your benzo drug. Here are a few things you can do to manage the painful symptoms.

Eat Smaller Meals

Most people report that food and drinks are the main triggers for pain. Even after you’ve started feeling better, you might start experiencing the benzo belly symptoms every time you eat a big meal.

In most cases, people believe that benzo belly symptoms are very close to the discomfort you feel when you eat something heavy. So controlling your food intake might help with the pain.

Eating smaller meals and sticking to a healthy diet will make digestion easier. As a result, you’re less likely to experience pain and cramps.

Avoid Certain Foods

Some types of food can upset your stomach and cause more pain. These foods are challenging to digest and can make your benzo belly symptoms worse.

Fried foods, fatty cuts of meat, and sauces are more challenging to digest. Beans and other legumes take more time to digest, so you’re likely to experience more pain when you eat them. Moreover, you should avoid spicy, citrusy, and acidic food.

Take More Probiotics

Probiotics can help with digestion and help you feel better, even when experiencing benzo belly symptoms. Moreover, you’re more likely to experience these annoying symptoms for a shorter period, so you can get back to your life without relapse.

Talk to Your Doctor

Your primary care doctor should be aware of the withdrawal symptoms you’re experiencing. They can help you by suggesting food types to avoid to help you feel better when you experience benzo belly.

If you’re experiencing water retention, your doctor might prescribe a diuretic medication. Some herbal teas and medications can help with benzo withdrawal, but these should be taken under the doctor’s supervision to avoid creating another dependency.

  • Niacin can help accelerate benzo withdrawal symptoms.
  • Gamma-aminobutyric acid mixed with vitamin C will help with bloating and gassiness.
  • Nervine can help with sleep disruption.
  • Chamomile tea will help with cramps and sleep disruption.
  • Carminative helps with bloating, nausea, and cramps.
  • Bacopa helps with memory blackouts, which are pretty common with higher doses of Benzodiazepines.

Wrap Up

Benzo belly refers to abdominal pain and discomfort that people experience when they decide to quit Benzodiazepines. Although there are fast-acting and slow-acting forms of these drugs to treat different symptoms of anxiety and stress, these drugs can lead to dependency.

People get addicted to the relief associated with these drugs and start experiencing some annoying symptoms when they decide to quit them. These symptoms include nausea, cramps, and abdominal pain, and some people are likely to experience worse symptoms than others.

Some patients can experience these symptoms for days and weeks, but they can last for months. In most cases, these annoying symptoms can be triggered by eating and drinking.

Does Adderall expire?

For those with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, more commonly known as ADHD, treatment can involve both behavioral therapy and medication. Adderall is the most commonly prescribed medication for the treatment of ADHD symptoms. With every three out of four ADHD patients receiving Adderall, there are a lot of common questions about this prescription medication.

Does Adderall Actually Expire?

Whether you’ve been given a longer prescription than you’re used to or you haven’t been overly consistent with taking the medication, you can end up with an excess of it. When this happens, it’s crucial to look at its expiration date.

Just like any other prescription or over-the-counter medication, there is an expiration date listed. This date is the last day that the medication will work at its fullest potency. Additionally, this is the last day that the drug manufacturer will guarantee your safety when taking a particular medication.

Identifying a certain medication bottle’s expiration date isn’t too difficult. Many pharmacies will conveniently place the medication’s expiration date near the bottom right of the bottle. Many times, it’s abbreviated with “EXP” and will feature a month and a year, such as “12-22”.

Will Adderall Still Work After Its Expiration Date?

If you can’t get a new prescription before you need to take your next Adderall dosage, you’re likely wondering if taking an expired pill will still work. It’s crucial to realize that after its expiration date, medication likely won’t have its fullest potency.

It can still work at a decreased level. This is assuming that you’ve followed the recommended storage procedures. With Adderall, that means storing your bottle at room temperature and with a tightly closed lid to keep unwanted moisture out.

Is Expired Adderall Still Safe to Take?

In an ideal world, it’s best to get a new prescription and take the non-expired medication. However, in a pinch, expired Adderall can still be safe to take. It’s necessary to mention that it may not have the same effect.

This is because the effectiveness of the medication may be reduced, depending on how long it’s been expired. You should, under no condition, take more than your prescribed amount in hopes that the extra medication will make up for the decreased efficiency of the drug. There’s no way to tell what efficiency level the medication is at, and you’ll be simply combining dosages blindly.

Does Adderall expire?

Why Do Drugs Expire?

Over time, the chemical composition of medications can change, and their potency can decrease. All manufacturers are required to affix an expiration date to all medications that they produce. After a medication has expired, the manufacturer no longer guarantees that it will be effective at treating its intended illnesses.

While a study by the FDA found that 90% of medications retained their potency beyond their expiration date, they only lasted for so long. Eventually, all the medications lost their potency.

Safe Storage Tips for Your Adderall

When it comes to storing your medication, there will be clearly outlined instructions on the prescription label. Realize that most medications are damaged by moisture, light, air, and heat. You should be storing your medication in a dry, cool place.

One very commonplace that patients tend to store their Adderall is in their bathroom medicine cabinet. While this may seem like a cool, dry place, you need to think again. The moisture and heat produced in your shower and sink can actually transfer into your medicine bottle. This can make your Adderall prematurely lose its potency.

When you’re storing your prescription medication, it’s best to leave your pills in their original container. This bottle will have all the necessary data about the medication for future reference. It helps to ensure that you always know what you’re taking. Also, many prescription bottles are constructed to be child-proof, so your children can’t get into the bottle unintentionally.

If you do have young children in your home, it’s best to store your medication in a location that can be easily locked. Make sure that you keep your medicine not only out of the reach of your children but out of their sight. When they can’t see it, they won’t know that it’s there to play with.

Adderall can be a very effective drug for treating ADHD symptoms in children and adults. Unfortunately, it can be very addictive as well. If you or someone you know is struggling with Adderall addiction, it’s time to get help. Long Island Treatment Center is here to assist you with overcoming addiction.

  • How does Adderall make you feel if you have ADHD?
  • Does Adderall Make You Horny?

Coke Jaw, Mouth, and Nose – Dangerous Side Effects of Cocaine Use

Although many would like to pretend it doesn’t exist, substance abuse is a chronic and pervasive problem in the United States. And that has been the case for some time now, sadly. According to a study published by the National Survey of Substance Abuse Treatment Services (N-SSATS), an estimated 21.2 million Americans have a substance use disorder. Many of them are, unfortunately, also struggling with health problems brought on by their substance abuse disorder. Such is the case for those who currently or previously had a problem with cocaine, a powerfully addictive stimulant drug derived from the leaves of the coca plant, a plant native to South America. According to the most recent report published by the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, about 1.9 million Americans aged 18 and older have a problem with cocaine.

The Real Price of Cocaine Addiction

Because cocaine is a Schedule II controlled substance, the risk of addiction is extremely high. The more an individual abuses cocaine, the more likely they are to develop a physical and even psychological dependence on the drug. People often get hooked on cocaine because of the drug’s uncanny way of ramping up dopamine production in the brain. For reference, dopamine is a neurotransmitter in the brain that, among other things, allows us to feel pleasure and satisfaction. A small amount of dopamine is needed for us to experience and enjoy life; however, too much of it can be problematic. Studies show that excessive amounts of dopamine in the brain can trigger intense feelings of pleasure and euphoria, both of which can increase the likelihood of addiction. Some of the physical, psychological, and behavioral signs that might suggest someone has a cocaine problem include the following:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Crankiness and irritability
  • Extreme and unusual feelings of happiness
  • Feeling uncharacteristically energized
  • Hypersensitivity to sight, sound, and touch
  • Loss of appetite
  • Paranoia

Additional Health Problems Linked to Cocaine Use and Abuse

The longer an individual uses and abuses cocaine, the more dangerous it becomes to their health. And this is substantiated in multiple studies, one of which comes from the Mayo Clinic, a nonprofit academic medical center located in Rochester, Minnesota. According to researchers, long-term use and abuse of cocaine can put individuals at an increased risk of suffering a heart attack or coronary artery spasm. It can also increase their chances of suffering from any of the following:

  • Arrhythmia
  • Constricted blood vessels
  • Brain, heart, or kidney damage
  • Hypertension
  • Stroke
  • Sudden death

The Less-Talked-About Dangers of Cocaine Addiction

Although not as commonly reported, some people have the misfortune of developing nasal and oral health problems due to abusing cocaine. The most notable of these health problems include what the medical community has dubbed cocaine nose, cocaine mouth, and cocaine jaw. To appreciate just how much of a toll each of these health problems can take on someone, it helps to look at them individually.

Cocaine Nose

Also commonly referred to as coke nose, cocaine nose is an umbrella term for multiple nasal problems that usually stem from snorting cocaine. According to addiction experts and otolaryngologists, sinus infection and perforated septum are the two most common forms of cocaine or coke nose. Breathing difficulty and frequent nose bleeds are the symptoms that long-term cocaine snorters report the most.

To fully appreciate why many people who snort powder cocaine suffer from cocaine nose, it helps to know what happens when this powerful stimulant makes its way into the nasal cavity. Available data shows that cocaine causes blood vessels in the nose to constrict. When individuals snort cocaine long-term, blood vessels become so constricted that bleeding and sinus infections become more common.

coke nose

How to Treat Cocaine Nose

Something to note when it comes to cocaine nose is that the damage is seldom ever permanent. Generally, the nose will heal in a matter of days so long as it remains free of coke. Using a saline rinse a few times each day can help speed up the process as doing so keeps the nasal passage clean, which, in turn, improves blood flow.

Cocaine Mouth

Cocaine mouth, also known as coke mouth, is another one of the many health problems that long-term cocaine users can encounter. Studies show that using and abusing cocaine disrupts saliva production in the oral cavity, which leads to dry mouth or coke mouth. When individuals develop coke mouth, they are at increased risk of falling victim to tooth decay, gum disease, mouth sores, and other dental problems, including tooth loss.

How to Treat Cocaine Mouth

Quitting cocaine is the best way to cure coke mouth. Generally speaking, saliva production returns to normal within a few days after an individual takes their final dose of coke. Of course, to speed up the process and stave off severe and costly dental problems, there are things that you can do. According to most addiction experts, dental hygienists, and dentists, the following can help reverse coke mouth:

  • Not smoking
  • Cutting back or giving up alcohol
  • Not using over-the-counter antihistamines or decongestants
  • Chewing sugar-free gum
  • Sipping water or sucking on ice throughout the day
  • Using over-the-counter saliva substitutes
  • Breathing through your nose as opposed to your mouth

Cocaine Jaw

One of the symptoms of cocaine addiction is jaw clenching. When individuals clench their jaw, their masseter, temporalis, and medial pterygoid muscles in their jaw will start to twitch. While this is happening, most are also grinding their teeth and moving their jaw from side to side. All of these movements eventually cause what is known as coke jaw. Along with causing jaw pain, coke jaw can lead to the development of a temporomandibular disorder, which can trigger the following additional symptoms:

  • Trismus
  • Clicking or popping sounds with jaw movements
  • Severe headaches
  • Facial tenderness

How to Treat Coke Jaw

Quitting cocaine will eventually bring coke jaw symptoms to an end, but it will take several days. Some people might also have to undergo some form of psychotherapy to help curb the compulsion to clench and grind their teeth.

Bottom Line

In summary, cocaine addiction can ruin one’s health and life in multiple ways, from anxiety and depression to physical health problems that involve oral and nasal cavities. But with the right mindset and help from a licensed rehab facility, breaking the cycle of addiction is possible. To that end, if you have a problem with cocaine, especially if you’re experiencing any of the symptoms detailed in this article, and need help finding a rehab facility in your area, consider speaking with a Long Island Treatment Centers associate today.

Signs your liver is healing

Your liver is one of the essential organs in your body, and it removes all kinds of toxins and other unhealthy substances from your bloodstream when functioning correctly, including alcohol.

Over years of sustained alcohol abuse, though, your liver function can start to fade. Before long, symptoms will begin to appear. You may notice a yellow color developing in the whites of your eyes and on your skin. You may start to experience forgetfulness. Other symptoms can include itching skin, unexplained weight changes, and red palms.

Of course, you may already know what these symptoms are because you have already experienced them. Your liver failure — specifically cirrhosis or a type of fatty liver disease called alcoholic liver disease — may have been one of the things that triggered you to seek treatment for your alcoholism. 

Symptoms of Liver Cirrhosis
Symptoms of Liver Cirrhosis

One of the best things you can do to stay on track is to notice the milestone you have reached during recovery. Each day of sobriety is an accomplishment all its own, but it’s not the only good thing you’ll see. The improvements in your health that you will experience with your sobriety will also motivate you to stay with your program.

The good news is that your liver can heal itself. Elimination of alcohol consumption can give your liver the rest it needs to generate new hepatocytes that will help improve its function and boost your overall health.

With that said, let’s look at what your liver will do to remind you that every day without alcohol is helping your health get better.

Signs your liver is healing:

Stabilized Weight

Your liver’s poor function has direct linkages to your metabolism. As a result, you may experience weight changes that don’t seem to make sense. Many alcoholics suffer digestive issues like ulcers that lead to poor nutrition, yet they still gain weight because of liver failure. At the same time, you may end up losing weight even with high caloric intake from food and high-carbohydrate drinks like beer.

Ultimately, liver damage is a metabolic issue, which affects how your body utilizes food. This is the reason for the unpredictability of the symptoms you’ll experience with liver failure.

Whether your bathroom scale showed you an upward trend or a downward trend, getting sober will start to clear up your liver function and get your metabolism on track again. You’ll soon find that the changes in your weight will make more sense and will be more in line with what you’d expect based on your diet and exercise.

Improved Color

As fatty liver disease progresses, it allows certain toxins to accumulate in the body. The poor function of the organ does not let it do its job correctly, leading to higher and higher concentrations of those substances in the blood. Eventually, these toxins become so numerous that they become visible through the skin and in the whites of the eyes.

This is a condition known as jaundice, and it is an obvious sign of severe liver problems. Once your liver begins to heal, however, the color will start to clear up. You’ll regain those bright, clear eyes that you had before. Your skin will no longer have the yellow cast that revealed the severity of your addiction. As you begin to see these improvements develop, you’ll find renewed dedication to your path of sobriety.

Regained Appetite

A greater interest in food is a common occurrence in anyone fighting back against addiction. Whether it’s cigarettes, alcohol, or illegal substances, there will always be a degree of increased appetite in someone making a healthy change.


However, that is different from the increased appetite you will experience as your liver begins to restore itself. The decreased function it exhibits as a result of alcohol abuse will interfere with your appetite, and that is because the liver plays a role in digestion and its work in filtering toxins from your blood.

Once you turn the corner and let your liver begin to restore itself, your improved digestive function will trigger your body to call for more nutrients, giving you a greater appetite.

Better Bloodwork

As your health declined during your alcoholism, you may have gotten some lab work done at the hospital or a doctor’s office. Most likely, the results revealed decreased liver function, and the caregiver probably informed you of the dangerous situation it created for your health.

Once you entered recovery, your liver got to work right away on repairing itself. Of course, this process eventually shows noticeable results like improved color and reduced pain. Still, it may be complicated to detect the incremental changes taking place in those earliest days.

As a result, your return visits to the doctor after you’ve begun treatment can provide some vital feedback about your progress, even before there are any visible changes in your body. An evaluation of your bloodwork will indicate lower levels of key toxins, and your doctor will point those out to you. These markers are a great way to see the improvements you are making in your health after quitting alcohol.

If you feel your recovery is stalling or need a little reminder of the progress you’re making, ask to have labs done so that you can get a status update.

Reduced Pain

When your liver does not work correctly, it begins to clog with waste materials and starts to swell. With limited space to expand, the liver quickly begins causing pain. While the discomfort may be of varying intensity and may even go away, the overall trend is for the pain to increase and become more sustained.

As soon as you stop using alcohol, your liver will begin to catch up on its delayed workload. A better level of function will allow it to start clearing out the accumulation of waste and reducing its inflammation. The result to you will be a clear trend toward much less pain.

A Sharper Mind

The backlog of toxins created by liver damage has more effects than just the way you feel and the way you look, and it also impacts the way you think. The confusion and “brain fog” created by poor liver function can cause several problems, making it very hard for you to focus on getting sober.

Sharper Mind

Much like reducing the pain you’ll experience with sobriety, you’ll also have a rapid improvement in your mental state. You will feel more alert, have a more remarkable ability to concentrate, and see improvements to your short-term memory.

As you become more alert, you will also be able to pursue an education or hold down a job, giving you greater self-esteem and more reinforcement of your progress toward sobriety.

Greater Energy

As your liver trends toward a total shutdown, you will find that you don’t have any energy. You will not feel like doing ordinary things that had never seemed all that demanding before your alcoholism took hold.

The reason for this sluggish feeling is the inefficiency with which your metabolism is operating under liver failure. Energy cannot enter your bloodstream, and waste cannot be excreted when your liver cannot do its job. The result is a sluggish feeling that compounds the depression of alcohol use and contributes to an overall downward spiral.

As your liver begins to heal, you will start to feel your energy level go up. It may be a subtle change at first, but with every passing day of sobriety, you’ll experience a steady and undeniable difference toward a more energetic feeling. The strength you regain will help fuel your ongoing recovery, building momentum toward a better life.

A Soothed Stomach

The digestive issues associated with liver disease will often show up as nausea and vomiting. When your stomach is already irritated from alcohol abuse, it can be excruciating and even dangerous to experience these symptoms, especially on top of the upset stomach caused directly by your alcohol intake and intoxication.

life without alcohol


After you start your new life without alcohol, these symptoms will improve. Liver function will improve, getting your digestion back on track. Your stomach will settle, making it possible for you to function normally and improve your nutrition, building your strength and reinforcing your ability to fight back against your alcoholism. 

Your liver is just one of many organs that are negatively impacted by alcoholism. Fortunately, its ability to recover (to a certain extent) should give you hope that it will get back to near normal during your recovery. Not only should this fact encourage you to get sober, but it should also support your ongoing sobriety by serving as a reminder of the danger your health faced during your addiction. 

Liver disease is a potentially deadly consequence of alcoholism. In your sobriety, one of the first things you’re likely to see is improving liver function, a step that is likely to help you stay dedicated to your recovery and a brighter, healthier future.

Is Gabapentin Addictive?

Gabapentin is a prescription medication that’s used to treat epilepsy. It eases the withdrawal symptoms of patients during cocaine, opioid, and alcohol detox. It’s prescribed for a long list of other conditions thanks to its relaxing, soothing, and pain-relieving properties.

This drug is often abused, and it has a high potential for addiction. Gabapentin is marketed under the brand name Neurontin. On the street, it’s known as gabby or johnny.

What Is Gabapentin?

Neurontin is classified as an anticonvulsant painkiller. It’s considered less addictive than opioids. Nevertheless, abuse and addiction are common.

This medicine has a chemical structure that’s similar to that of GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid). GABA is a naturally occurring chemical in the brain that helps to regulate the nervous system.

Low levels of GABA can trigger depression, anxiety, restlessness, moodiness, and inability to sleep. On the other hand, high levels of GABA can make you feel relaxed and serene.

A high concentration of GABA in the brain reduces anxiety, relieves nerve pain, and encourages sound sleep. Because those are the same effects that gabapentin produces, scientists initially deduced that gabapentin simply mimics the effects of GABA and increases the overall presence of GABA throughout the body.

However, additional studies revealed that although the drug interacts with GABA receptors, it does not affect GABA metabolism or synthesis.

Instead, gabapentin binds to calcium channels in the central nervous system. There, it limits the release of excitatory neurotransmitters. That’s how it blocks nerve pain and prevents seizures.

Therapeutic doses of gabapentin cause a dose-dependent increase in extracellular GABA that puts users into a relaxed and pleasant state.

How Does Gabapentin Work?

This medication reduces abnormal excitement in the brain. By interacting with abundant GABA receptor sites, gabapentin can prevent seizures and change how the body perceives pain.

Synapses are electrical impulses that carry messages from one brain cell or neuron to another. Scientists believe that because nearly 40 percent of all synapses involve GABA, there must be quite a few GABA receptors in the brain.

The job of GABA is to prevent neurons from becoming overexcited, especially during times of severe stress. The condition of the neurons governs how pain signals are transmitted.

When GABA levels are plentiful, the neurons remain calm while pain signals lessen or disappear. However, when neurons are overexcited, they broadcast continuous pain signals to the brain. The more excited the neurons, the more pain you’ll feel.

Like GABA, gabapentin comforts overexcited neurons that might otherwise trigger a seizure or cause pain. The mechanism of action is slightly different for GABA and gabapentin, but they both produce the same effects.

Which Conditions Can Gabapentin Treat?

  • Essential tremors
  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Post-herpetic neuralgia
  • Peripheral neuropathy
  • Painful diabetic neuropathy
  • Restless legs
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Postmenopausal hot flashes
  • Anxiety and panic attacks
  • Treatment-resistant depression
  • Headache
  • Withdrawal from alcohol, cocaine, and opioids
  • Postoperative pain
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Migraine headache
  • Social phobia
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Seizures
  • Interstitial cystitis
  • Chronic itching
  • Inability to sleep
  • Refractory chronic cough

Where Did Gabapentin Come From?

Gabapentin was discovered in Japan in the 1970s. It was initially used as an antispasmodic and as a muscle relaxer. However, scientists quickly discovered the potential of gabapentin as an adjunct for stronger anticonvulsants.

The proprietary formula was sold to Parke-Davis Pharmaceuticals. There, it underwent further development before being brought to market under the brand name Neurontin and introduced as an epilepsy treatment.

Is Gabapentin Addictive?

Like many medicines on the market, gabapentin has both risks and benefits. The benefits include a reduced incidence of seizures and a reduction in pain associated with many different types of conditions.

Doctors consider it a safer alternative than opioids, especially for long-term, chronic pain. Many physicians aren’t even aware of gabapentin’s addictive potential.

In 2016, the drug was number 10 on the country’s top prescription drug list. Doctors were prescribing gabapentin as an all-purpose feel-good tonic.


Almost 65 million prescriptions for gabapentin were written that year compared to only 39 million prescriptions four years earlier. The total number of prescriptions jumped by nearly 25 million in just four years.

A 2018 article published in The Psychology of Addictive Behavior reported that gabapentin is marketed as having no abuse potential even though a variety of studies suggest otherwise.

Along with a high potential for abuse, the drug can cause suicidal thoughts, abrupt behavioral changes, and mood swings. Additional side effects can include elevated blood pressure, sleep disturbances, fever, appetite changes, and chest pain.

A 2012 article published in the British Journal of General Practice examined gabapentin’s abuse potential. Researchers found that the drug affects everyone differently. Users reported effects ranging from euphoria, relaxation, and increased sociability to feeling reduced to a zombie-like state.

More people are requesting gabapentin prescriptions, and it’s not all due to neuropathic pain.

By 2016, doctors were seeing an increase in overdose cases involving gabapentin. Physicians who had previously considered gabapentin a nonaddictive replacement for opioid painkillers were starting to ask questions.

Of additional concern was gabapentin’s increased recreational use. The drug is used in combination with opioids to induce euphoria and to make the high last longer.

Gabapentin eludes the blocking effects of medications used to treat addiction, and patients are getting high in recovery. With pills selling for under $1 each, the drug provides an affordable high.

Fatal overdoses involving gabapentin rose precipitously in West Virginia in 2015 when deaths increased from three in 2010 to 109 in 2015.

A 2015 article in the American Journal of Psychiatry surveyed more than 500 prescription opioid users; The researchers found that 15 percent of the participants had used gabapentin to get high during the last six months.

Can Gabapentin Treat Addiction?

There are currently only a few medications with FDA approval that can effectively treat addiction. At present, gabapentin is being considered for off-label use as an addiction treatment drug. Here are some of the studies:

Gabapentin for Alcohol Withdrawal Treatment

Alcohol withdrawal can elicit a variety of unpleasant reactions, including tremors, anxiety, irritability, and agitation. Because gabapentin mimics the effects of GABA by reducing neural excitation, it is thought to also reduce alcohol withdrawal symptoms.

A study published in the American Journal of Psychiatry reported encouraging results during a 16-week treatment of 150 alcohol-dependent participants. The results were better among individuals who received gabapentin and naltrexone together than they were for participants who received naltrexone alone.

Another study published in the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry found that alcohol-dependent people treated with gabapentin displayed a significant reduction in how much they drank. The experimental group also had a higher rate of abstinence than the placebo group.

Gabapentin for Cannabis Withdrawal Treatment

The effects of gabapentin may be soothing for those who are undergoing detox from cannabis or benzodiazepines. Marijuana is not physically addicting, and you don’t develop a tolerance to it. Nevertheless, it can be very addictive psychologically, and when you stop using it, you might experience some withdrawal symptoms.

A study published in Neuropsychopharmacology reported that individuals who sought treatment for cannabis addiction and were treated with gabapentin consumed less marijuana, reported improvements in cognitive functioning, and had fewer withdrawal symptoms.

What Are the Signs of Gabapentin Addiction?

Gabapentin addiction can involve a variety of symptoms that include the following:

  • Disorientation
  • Confusion
  • Dizziness
  • Fainting
  • Lethargy
  • Labored breathing
  • Unresponsiveness
  • Bluish lips, fingers, and toes

Studies of substance abusers in the U.S. and the U.K. revealed that most people with a gabapentin addiction prefer to mix the drug with prescription opioids rather than using it alone.

Participants who used gabapentin to get high were more likely to abuse benzodiazepines. Moreover, a mix of gabapentin and alcohol is frequently present in toxicology results.

According to a 2016 article published in addiction, mixing gabapentin with opioids delivers a euphoria that can drive addiction. A case study reported that individuals snorting gabapentin powder from capsules get a high that’s similar to snorting cocaine.

In six different studies, individuals abusing gabapentin did so to feel relaxed and calm. Study participants also described a cannabis-like or cocaine-like high that increased sociability and talkativeness.

Some users experienced an amphetamine rush or an MDMA-like high. They also reported improved focus and better sleep. People who are addicted to gabapentin may exhibit the following behaviors:

  • Poor decision-making
  • Acting energetic or sedated
  • Increased or decreased sleep
  • Stealing
  • Forging or selling prescriptions
  • Exceeding the prescribed dose
  • Mood swings or hostility
  • Routinely asking for early refills
  • Losing prescriptions and asking for more
  • Getting prescriptions from multiple doctors

Is gabapentin addictive? It’s unusual for someone to be addicted to gabapentin alone, but it does happen. When it does, it’s usually for the purposes of mood modification.

How Much Does Rehab in Long Island Cost?

Addiction is painful for everyone involved, including family members and friends. If you or someone you know is seeking drug or alcohol rehabilitation in Long Island, you’ve come to the right place.

If you’ve been considering rehab, one of your pressing concerns might be the cost of treatment. There are multiple factors contributing to the various costs of rehab in Long Island.

Here, you’ll find an extensive guide breaking down the cost and what to expect when either entering or helping someone you know enter a Long Island rehab center.

The Cost of Care

A common bump in the road when it comes to choosing inpatient or outpatient care is the cost. Let us break it down for you.

It’s important to know that there are multiple factors contributing to the cost of addiction treatment. These include:

  • The type of treatment needed by the patient
  • The length of the program
  • The comforts provided by the facility
  • The location of the rehab center

The cost of private inpatient care varies between $7,500 at the lowest and $20,000 for a program of higher quality. At luxurious rehab centers meant for celebrities and higher executives, treatment can cost between $80,000 and $120,000.

Inpatient care will cost more because you are living there to receive your treatment. Employees are working around the clock because you are there 24 hours a day, so naturally, this type of care will cost more than alternative options.

Due to the pricing of inpatient care, some addicts may choose to receive outpatient care instead. This is an understandable choice because many families do not have room in their budget to pay for inpatient care.

The cost of outpatient treatment varies depending on the specific services you are seeking. Addiction therapy sessions are sometimes free or as low as $1,400, whereas intensive outpatient care costs between $3,000 and $10,000.

Cost of Detox

Before receiving either inpatient or outpatient care, you have the option of detoxification treatment. A detox is a form of care provided by specialists to help you wean off of the drugs instead of quitting cold turkey.

Detoxing is beneficial to those who feel like they will struggle with the withdrawals. If you think your addiction is severe, you can choose to receive inpatient detox care. Your addiction may be less severe, so outpatient detox treatment may be a better option for you.

Generally, the cost of detox does not include whatever treatment you may pursue following the detox, like inpatient or outpatient addiction treatment. Costs for detox are usually accumulated on a daily basis – sometimes, the cost for detox can run you over $1,000 per day .

To avoid paying a large sum for detox, there are different methods of payment such as private pay, loans, and crowdfunding.

Paying for Rehab

Rehab is expensive, no matter what treatment option you go with. That’s why we’ve laid out some methods of payment for you here:

  • Medicare
  • Medicaid
  • Private insurance coverage
  • Employer assistance programs

You may not have insurance, which is why some rehab centers offer financial assistance or work with you on developing a monthly payment plan.

Types of Treatment

Before delving right into the cost of rehabilitation in a Long Island facility, it’s important to understand what types of treatment are available to you. Two common addiction care options are inpatient and outpatient treatment.

Inpatient Care

When you choose to be treated through inpatient care, you will remain at the rehabilitation center. Sometimes this is a better, more effective option for an individual with serious drug addiction.

An addict may choose inpatient treatment if they also struggle with other mental health issues for the wide range of care available.

By choosing to remain in the rehab center, addicts remove themselves from the triggers that they were possibly a part of their daily life. Inpatient treatment provides a safe environment for addicts to comfortably begin the recovery process.

You may be wondering what’s in it for you. Here are some benefits to receiving inpatient care:

  • 24-hour a day services to guide you while battling the addiction
  • Support during the detoxification process
  • Structured treatment that will address personal history
  • Preparation for life after addiction care

Outpatient Care

A slightly less intensive treatment option is outpatient addiction care. Outpatient care allows you to receive the help you need while staying at home with your family, going to work, and going to school.

An addict who chooses outpatient as their form of treatment will receive group and individual therapy sessions while maintaining a sense of normalcy in their daily life.

Here are some benefits to receiving outpatient care:

  • Live at home
  • Continue working, going to school, and caring for your family
  • Flexible therapy and counseling times
  • Varying levels of treatment to best suit your needs
  • Typically costs less

Recovery After Rehab

Remember that recovery is a never-ending journey. We know it sounds daunting to think of recovery as a constant part of your life, which is why we provide aftercare programs.

Within the first year after completion of treatment, around 85% of addicts relapse. We acknowledge that maintaining sobriety is challenging for some addicts, thus implementing aftercare programs that will help you to stay sober after the tremendous progress you will have made.

Aftercare assists you in upholding the drug-free lifestyle you built for yourself while in treatment. Here is what your Long Island rehab center can include depending on what you need:

  • Sober-living facilities
  • Individual or group therapy sessions
  • Childcare
  • Job training
  • Continuing education

It’s important to keep in mind that you are not alone in your journey to recovery. While feeling lonely is completely valid, developing connections with your aftercare providers is one way of relieving that feeling.

Another way is by engaging in group therapy. Both your providers and the members in group therapy sessions understand what you’ve been through and what you will continue to endure in the future.

Looking for Rehab in Long Island?

Are you ready to begin the road to recovery? We’ve got your back. With the numerous services we offer such as detox, inpatient, and outpatient care, don’t let cost hold you back from getting the help you need and deserve.

If cost is a concern to you before treating your addiction, begin with researching if a specific Long Island rehab center accepts your insurance.

If you’re looking for rehab in Long Island, we’re here for you. Contact us today to get started on the path to recovery.