Am I addicted? Quiz

If you’re having trouble using drugs, you may be wondering whether you have a substance use issue.

If you’ve noticed that your use of drugs has grown out of control or is negatively affecting your life, relationships, or health, you may be questioning whether you have a substance use disorder.

Take the ‘Am I A Drug Addict’ quiz to discover more about your possible addiction severity. The following 11 questions were created and utilized by healthcare professionals. Your answers will be kept entirely anonymous and confidential.

LITC – Am I addicted?

The following questions are designed to help you determine whether or not you have a drug addiction problem. Read them carefully and honestly answer them to assess any drug addiction issues you may be having.

Step 1 of 11

Do you often use drugs in more significant amounts or over a more extended periods than you intended?

Reviewed for Medical & Clinical Accuracy by Long Island Treatment Center