Partial Hospitalization Program in Long Island

When a person is challenged with addiction problems, it is important to realize that help is available.

When a person is challenged with addiction problems, it is important to realize that help is available. There are a variety of treatment options that are provided at Long Island Treatment Center.

One choice is a partial hospitalization program or a PHP. This type of treatment is designed to offer structured outpatient services. Usually, an individual spends the day at a facility for recovery treatment and returns home each night. A PHP is more involved than an intensive outpatient program, but it is not as strict as an inpatient program.

Benefits of a Partial Hospitalization Program

There are a number of benefits that come from this type of treatment option.

  • Access to Individual and Group Therapies. With a PHP, a patient works with a therapist on both an individual and group basis. This helps a person learn how to cope with substance misuse and mental health issues positively.
  • More Time. Certain individuals need more time in treatment than others. With this option, an individual spends more time engaging in therapy, which provides the right tools to overcome substance abuse.
  • Daily Professional Interaction. With this intensive treatment option, a patient spends a high amount of time interacting with medical professionals each day. This is especially important when mental illness and addiction coexist. It offers great support and gives an opportunity to be treated on an individual basis. Individual therapy utilized during a PHP is Psychotherapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), and Behavioral Health Therapy. All these therapies are aimed at the holistic and overall wellness of the patient.
  • Less Costly. Partial hospitalization is often less costly than traditional inpatient rehab. Many times, insurance providers are likely to cover part or all of this type of treatment. When things are made affordable, it is easier to seek help for a drug misuse disorder.
  • Effective Outpatient Care. Not everyone has the time or the ability to participate in an inpatient treatment program. A long hospital stay may not be an option for others as there are day-to-day responsibilities at home or at work. Partial hospitalization is a lower level of care but offers intensive therapy to overcome substance misuse disorders. A patient can return home at night to tend to family responsibilities at the same time as receiving treatment. In other words, a person’s schedule is not as disrupted as with inpatient care arrangements.
  • Easier Transition Back to the Real World. Oftentimes, when a person exits a traditional inpatient treatment facility, it is difficult to assimilate back into the real world. A partial hospitalization program allows a patient to focus on treatment during the day and to apply things learned in therapy at night. During this time, it is possible to lean on family and friends for support as well.
  • Heightened Privacy. Unfortunately, there is often a negative stigma attached to addiction. Even though a person is seeking help, it still may cause negative results. What more if you check in to a psychiatric hospital? When a person must take time off of work to enter inpatient treatment, it shines a light on his or her problems. A PHP provides the ability to hide the fact that he or she has entered recovery. In other words, a PHP better protects an individual’s privacy.

Who Benefits the Most from this Treatment Option?

A PHP may not be suitable for anyone, especially for certain people that require detox due to long-term drug misuse. However, it is a smart choice for an individual who is dedicated to sobriety and has a support system and a drug-free environment outside of treatment.

drug rehab

Adolescents with substance use disorders will benefit the most from PHP. Teenagers need to be at home with their family members for continued guidance and support. While during the day, receive the help they need from PHP sessions.

Although a partial hospitalization program is similar to most inpatient treatments, it often offers a more customized treatment plan that lowers the amount of time necessary for therapy. Outpatient treatment allows patients to continue with their daily lives while receiving the help they need.

How Long Does Treatment Last?

Partial hospitalization is meant to be a short-term form of treatment for a drug misuse disorder. The end goal is to help a person advance to a less intensive level of care. The length of treatment is based on a person’s individual progress. For instance, a person who is making great advancements will spend a few weeks in this level of care. Others may need months of treatment.

What a Patient Can Expect from a Partial Hospitalization Program

As previously discussed, a usual course of treatment involves group and individual therapies. This provides the ability to learn coping skills that help individuals deal with triggers. If medication is necessary for treatment, a psychiatrist or a regular physician will prescribe it.

The health care team will aid with medication management. The treatment team educates the patient on everything that needs to be known about the medication. Throughout the day, a patient will participate in a variety of therapeutic techniques that prepare him or her to handle stressful situations.

Specific Therapies Used

Partial hospitalization treatment is used to resolve a variety of issues, including mental health problems that are present with co-occurring disorders. Since this treatment provides patients with daily reminders to avoid relapse, PHPs are quite effective at overcoming drug misuse disorders. There are a variety of therapies utilized.

  • Individual Therapy. Individual therapy offers one-on-one counseling with mental health professionals. This kind of therapy addresses personal stressors, social triggers, mental health problems, and environmental factors that feed a drug misuse disorder.
  • Group Therapy. One key part of therapy, besides having a network at home, is group therapy where patients get the opportunity to bond with people who are battling similar problems. Meeting as a group provides a place for patients to vent their frustrations and share empathy with each other. In many cases, patients maintain relationships after group therapy and continue to guide each other onto a sober path. Since the recovery process does not end when a person steps out of treatment, this plays a vital role in staying clean and feeling that sense of belongingness .
  • Skill-Building Sessions. Many PHPs teach coping mechanisms to patients so that they have the power to turn away from substances that continue the addiction. For example, many skill-building sessions include lessons on existing situations that encourage drug misuse. By learning ways to overcome or escape, the mind is open to healthier living options. In the end, mental health improves.
  • Evaluations. Through a partial hospitalization program, a patient experiences regular evaluations to assess his or her mental health. Indeed, this is an effective way to recognize early signs of relapse and to take note of the progress. When things are identified quickly, it is possible to intensify treatment and to make changes in therapy that keep a person on a sober path.

What Happens After Finishing a Partial Hospitalization Program?

To repeat, recovery from a drug misuse disorder does may or may not completely cease after a PHP is completed. A person may wish to continue other forms of health services, including some type of outpatient program. Some may continue mental health treatment by continuing counseling. Many individuals opt to enter sober living facilities as well.

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT)

No matter the decision, a person must feel secure and comfortable continuing on a sober path. After leaving a PHP, a person should be able to start returning to a normal routine. He or she should be able to successfully return to work or school and be able to identify unhealthy thoughts and behaviors. In this manner, he or she can apply everything that was learned in treatment.

Partial Hospitalization Treatment at Long Island Treatment Center

It is a big step for a person to recognize that a drug misuse problem exists and that it is time to get assistance. At Long Island Treatment Center, we are here to help anyone who is struggling with a substance misuse disorder. We offer a multitude of treatments and therapies near you. Our partial hospitalization treatments near you provide flexible assistance for patients who cannot commit to inpatient hospitalization or a rehab center.

Our entire staff provides essential support and effective therapies that get people on the road to successful recovery. Everyone receives customized care in a pleasant environment near you. For more information, contact us today.

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