Mental health services for drug and alcohol addiction

Drug and alcohol addiction used to be considered a moral or social issue but now it’s known as an illness that should get treated like any other chronic condition.

Addiction creates a heavy burden that makes people suffer unnecessarily from a treatable medical disease. Until access to a path to sobriety appears, addiction can create health problems, affect weight, ruin relationships and destroy a financial future. As mental health professionals at Long Island Treatment Center, we offer relief from suffering with compassionate and supportive outpatient or inpatient programs. In addition, as a provider of mental health services, we offer care for adolescents, adults, and families. We honor a commitment to ensuring that no one faces recovery from addiction alone.

Learning How We Can Help

We offer behavioral health services through counseling and medication management at our Mental Health Clinic. In addition, our trained staff of experienced social workers provides a level of understanding that addresses addiction effectively. Research  shows that people who become addicted to substances may have mental illness as well, and we offer programs that fit their mental health needs the best.

Choosing Outpatient Treatment

A choice to receive treatment without living arrangements can provide opportunities to continue normal activities at work or school while attending counseling sessions at the Center 3 – 6 times per week. Sessions may last for a few hours, giving our social workers time to interact with each person. Before admission to an outpatient program, each client receives an assessment of medical history and experience with substance abuse. In addition, counselors note the desire to seek sobriety and other things that affect recovery.

When our mental health professionals assess the level of addiction, they may recommend outpatient treatment as the best way to go. Clients who do not live at the Center can attend individual, group, or family counseling sessions in the evening or off-hours. Advantages of our outpatient program include family participation that may provide valuable support during therapy. In addition, family members may benefit from understanding how substance abuse affects a loved one psychologically, medically, and behaviorally.

Therapy Sessions

Understanding the Therapy Sessions

Therapy provides a highly successful path to achieving sobriety by examining behaviors that result from substance abuse. We offer treatment for groups, individuals, and families, depending on our Mental Health Clinic’s assessments for clients.


Therapy sessions for support groups allow participants to see that others struggle with the same issues, and most find that talking about experiences provides a key to recovery. Counselors encourage everyone to speak freely in a safe and supportive environment. In addition, the mutually respectful atmosphere encourages everyone to speak when it seems comfortable to do so.


Our licensed therapists bring years of experience in guiding adolescents and adults through behavioral health issues’ challenges. In a one-on-one session, clients can explore the reasons that cause addiction. As understanding grows and patients learn why addiction happens, self-awareness begins to influence behavior. Thus, recovery can start with understanding motivations, perhaps for the first time.


When family members listen to clients, describe problems that addiction causes, a deep level of understanding may occur. At the same time, clients can learn how addictive behavior impacts family structure. The open exchange of experiences and feelings provides a key component of our mental health services. We know that family therapy strengthens bonds that make recovery possible and help prevent relapse.

Participating in Supportive Programs

Our individualized treatment plan provides a customized program that considers all client needs. Our mental health professionals develop a program that suits each individual, including a relapse prevention component. Almost everyone who wants to achieve sobriety fears the possibility of relapse, and our social workers can provide coping mechanisms that may prevent it.

mental health clinic

In addition to our therapy sessions, we provide guidance on developing a healthy nutrition plan. As the mind and body work together, consuming a well-balanced diet provides the energy to cope with achieving recovery. Substance abuse can cause significant damage to the body, and our professional counselors teach clients to respect demands for proper nutrition as well. We offer medication management that assists clients who need it as an aid in coping with mental illness.


Our approach to helping clients achieve sobriety rests on our philosophy that no one must face the challenge of addiction alone. As we deliver supportive and compassionate care during the treatment phase that starts clients on the way to recovery, we also respect the need for aftercare. We know that recovery presents pitfalls, and we offer mental health services after therapy concludes.

Benefiting from a 12-step Plan

We encourage clients to participate in a 12-step program that has enjoyed tremendous success in assisting people who want to turn away from addiction. The principles it presents can guide anyone who suffers from addiction to drugs or alcohol to achieve recovery. Even more, it does so with compassion and understanding of the challenges that addiction presents. The first step may create a problem that many may prefer to avoid, but it provides a key to recovery. As it requires openly admitting to suffering from addiction to drugs or alcohol, it can make people feel uncomfortable—millions of people in recovery value the program for its support through regular attendance at meetings.

Each client must find a sponsor who knows the program from experience to help deliver the importance of its impact. A shared understanding of the difficulty in overcoming addiction provides one of the pillars that support the program. When people who suffer from the disease can assist each other, both gain strength to maintain sobriety over a lifetime. Almost no one can claim an easy path to recovery and sobriety, but we offer assurance that we can guide anyone who wants to change.

Mental Health Services

Considering Residential Mental Health Services

Inpatient treatment offers some advantages that living outside the Center’s residence cannot provide, but the impact on daily life may present problems. Our approach to treatment allows clients to continue to live and work outside the confines of the Center while maintaining an active program of therapy. Our success in assisting clients in using our mental health services proves that outpatients can achieve extraordinary results under our case management. Aside from providing an economical and affordable treatment plan, our outpatient mental health services help clients achieve sobriety for the long term.

Considering the Overall Impact of Addiction

Abuse of alcohol or drugs can create dangerous consequences to health and society, and their availability increases the likelihood of addiction occurring. Substances that modify behavior can make someone do things never considered possible without them, often leading to unfortunate outcomes. With frequent and long-term use, harmful substances may affect a sense of well-being. Researchers find that some illegal drugs can affect someone with an addiction to experience mental health problems. In addition, mental illness and substance use seem to share some causes. Changes may occur in the composition of the brain, producing an impact that may affect the course of a lifetime.

Finding Help When It Matters the Most

At Long Island Treatment Center, an outstanding Mental Health Clinic, our staff of trained social workers understands behavioral health issues. Through group therapy, clients share experiences with others and learn the effect of substance abuse on their lives. Under the compassionate and understanding approach of skilled counselors, clients can enjoy the free expression of experiences and learn from those of others. Individual sessions provide an intimate setting that some clients may prefer as an alternative, and family therapy offers yet another opportunity for growth. In addition, our case management system allows our social workers to note the progress that each client makes in coping with addiction.

When your life does not seem to head in the right direction, and you sense that it needs a change, call us today to schedule an appointment or a tour of our facility. Whether you want help for a loved one or yourself, our trained admissions coordinators welcome your call.

Reviewed for Medical & Clinical Accuracy by Long Island Treatment Center