Independence BCBS Insurance

If you or someone close to you is suffering from an addiction to alcohol or drugs of any kind, one of the biggest obstacles that people face when seeking treatment is how to pay for treatment. The truth is that there is a range of treatment programs that you can enter, all of which have different pricing structures. Even though the costs of treatment can be high, it’s possible that your insurance policy will cover some or all of the costs associated with your treatment. If you have an insurance policy with Blue Cross Blue Shield, you should be aware of how much coverage you may have access to with your policy. 

What Is Independence BCBS Insurance?

Blue Cross Blue Shield is a highly reputable insurance provider that has been in business for more than 90 years and provides coverage for over 100 million people across every state in the U.S. This insurance provider is comprised of 36 independent companies, which are operated locally to ensure that the best interests of the state and its citizens are accommodated. 

The exact details of your insurance policy depend on numerous factors, the primary of which is where you live. However, the type of insurance plan you obtain, the need that you have for treatment, and the location of the treatment plan will also factor into how much coverage you’ll qualify for through Blue Cross Blue Shield. If you want to obtain the insurance policy that will provide you with the most coverage, BCBS offers four distinct tiers of insurance, which include:

  • Bronze plan – These plans provide the lowest coverage amount and will usually offer around 60% coverage for your medical expenses.
  • Silver plan – These plans tend to cover around 70% of all medical expenses and are equipped with relatively high deductibles.
  • Gold plan – These plans can cover around 80% of your medical expenses and are notable for having somewhat low deductibles.
  • Platinum plan – These plans come with high monthly premiums but are able to cover as much as 90% of your medical costs.

The amount of coverage you obtain for addiction treatment depends on the BCBS plan that you have.

Does BCBS Insurance Cover Addiction Treatment?

Most BCBS insurance programs will provide at least some coverage for addiction treatment. The amount of coverage you receive for the costs of treatment depends on the treatments you obtain. Treatment can involve medical detoxification, an inpatient rehab program, and an outpatient treatment program. Before you start any form of treatment, medical detoxification may need to be administered to ensure that the substance you’re addicted to is removed from your body without you experiencing any severe withdrawal symptoms. 

Blue Cross Blue Shield provides coverage for inpatient and outpatient detox programs alike. If you obtain an HMO plan, you may only be able to receive coverage if you seek treatment from an HMO provider. On the other hand, a PPO plan should provide you with more options. You can contact your insurance provider if you have any questions about the amount of coverage you’ll receive for medical detoxification. 

As for inpatient rehab and outpatient treatment, your plan should provide at least some coverage for these treatments. If you enroll in a treatment program at Long Island Treatment Center, addiction treatment is mainly available via partial hospitalization, intensive outpatient treatment, or outpatient rehab. 

The program that’s right for you depends on the severity of your addiction. In the event that you have obtained standard BCBS coverage through the Federal Employee Program, this policy could cover 15% of addiction treatment costs. Other plans may require you to pay a specific copayment for every day of treatment. 

Once you admit that you’re suffering from an addiction to drugs or alcohol, you should be ready to look into the many treatment options available to you. We at Long Island Treatment Center are here to help. Our team can assist you in finding the right treatment program for your needs while also identifying how much coverage you’ll receive from BCBS insurance. Call us today to learn more about your treatment options and take your first step on the path to recovery.

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