Meth Detox in Long Island

Withdrawal symptoms typically begin around 24 hours following the last use of the drug. In most cases, symptoms last for around 7-10 days.

If you are struggling with meth addiction, there is help available. A meth detox can provide the support you need to get clean and sober. There are many different detox programs available, so it is important to find one that fits your needs. Don’t hesitate to reach out for help; getting clean and sober is worth it!

About Meth Detox

Meth is a type of stimulant that’s made from amphetamines as well as several other chemicals. Someone who takes this drug can do so by smoking, snorting, or injecting it. Meth is considered to be one of the more addictive substances a person can take. When the drug is taken in higher doses, it can lead to serious mental and physical consequences.

If you or someone you love has become addicted to meth, it’s important that you seek medical detox as soon as possible. More severe and long-lasting addictions typically cause worse withdrawal symptoms. Here’s everything you need to know about detoxing from meth.

Meth Addiction and Abuse

Meth is among the most dangerous drugs to use since it can lead to addiction after you take it a single time. The drug causes a large rush of dopamine, which is a type of chemical that induces pleasure sensations as well as feelings of motivation, rewards, and learning. Because of how good the drug makes a person feel in the moments after it’s taken, it’s common for people to continue using this drug to maintain these feelings.

Most of the people who take meth for a few days will remain high constantly over this period of time, which can lead to the body building up a tolerance to the drug. In this scenario, the affected individual must take higher doses in order for the drug to have the same effects. The potency and affordability of meth can cause people to become addicted quickly.

Once a person’s body is dependent on a drug, they can experience withdrawal symptoms when the drug wears off. When you attempt to go through withdrawal on your own, the effects make it more likely that you’ll relapse.

Symptoms and Warning Signs

Since meth is an illicit substance that can’t be legally used or possessed in the U.S., taking meth just one time will qualify as abusing the drug. When the initial rush occurs after you take meth, your heart rate and blood pressure will increase. Keep in mind, however, that the sensation is different when this drug is snorted. In this situation, the feeling is a euphoric one as opposed to a rush.

The initial rush from an injection causes the most potent effects and may last for upwards of 30 minutes. Once this rush occurs, the high might last for around 8-24 hours depending on how the drug was taken. While injecting meth leads to a more potent high, the effects will end more rapidly. The side effects that are most common when taking this drug include:

  • Elation
  • Alertness
  • Irritability
  • Hyperactivity
  • Loss of appetite
  • Talkativeness
  • Agitation
  • Anxiety
  • An irregular heartbeat
  • Confusion
  • Paranoia
  • Tremors
  • Weight loss
  • Insomnia

Consistent meth use over a prolonged period of time increases the possibility of tooth decay and skin sores. Individuals who inject this drug on a regular basis could experience collapsed veins. If you snort meth, your nasal passages and sinus cavities could be damaged, which might result in chronic nosebleeds.

Meth also affects the heart and central nervous system, which is why serious issues like a heart attack, seizure, stroke, and overdose may occur. In the event that meth is mixed with substances like alcohol or cocaine, there’s a greater risk of an overdose.

When an individual has become addicted to meth, they can’t effectively control their cravings and their use of the drug. These behaviors are caused by changes to the brain’s chemical makeup and dopamine production. In most cases, the affected individual will experience no pleasure when they aren’t high on meth. The persistent need for this drug can create additional problems in the person’s life, which include financial issues, homelessness, loss of a job, and legal problems.

Withdrawal and Detox

Withdrawal symptoms typically begin around 24 hours following the last use of the drug. In most cases, symptoms last for around 7-10 days before lessening in severity. The most common meth withdrawal symptoms include:

  • An increased appetite
  • Intense cravings
  • Extreme lethargy and fatigue
  • Sleepiness
  • Hallucinations
  • Dry mouth
  • Hopelessness
  • Depression
  • Delusions
  • Paranoia
  • Suicidal thoughts

Even though medications are unable to eliminate withdrawal symptoms, there are several options that might be administered during medical detox to reduce the amount of pain and discomfort you experience.

Withdrawal from this drug can lead to serious complications, which is why medical supervision during detox is highly recommended. Along with the symptoms listed above, you could also experience intense cravings for meth while the withdrawal process is ongoing, which makes it more likely that you will relapse. Receiving medical supervision reduces the risk of a relapse.

During meth detoxification, you’ll benefit from 24/7 monitoring and may be given small doses of certain medications. Keep in mind that you’ll likely be in a semi-private or private room with a bed and television set. Detox facilities also serve food and drinks during your time there.

Detox teams consist of medical professionals, which can include nurses and doctors. These individuals will regularly check your vital signs to make sure that your withdrawal symptoms aren’t too severe.

How Long Does Meth Stay in Your System?

Meth is usually either injected or smoked. Regardless of the method you’ve used, the drug will get to your brain quickly. In the event that you ingest the drug orally or decide to snort it through your nose, the high can last for as long as one day. While cocaine gets out of the body quickly, meth isn’t affected by the body’s metabolism, which can cause extended effects that last for 8-24 hours before leaving the system.

meth detox

Detox at Home? Benefits of Facility Treatment

If you want to detox from meth at home, the most important consideration that you should keep in mind is not to go through the withdrawal process alone. Detoxing from meth comes with serious psychological, emotional, and physical withdrawal symptoms. As mentioned previously, you might even have suicidal thoughts.

Withdrawal isn’t typically life-threatening. On the other hand, the possibility of psychosis or changes to the brain structure must be taken into account. If you don’t have direct supervision, the more serious withdrawal symptoms become more likely.

If you want to be at home during detox, you could receive assistance from a private medical provider. Make sure that this individual has experience with addiction treatment and detox before you request their services. The main benefit of this solution is that you’ll be in a more calming environment. It’s also easier to receive support from any of your family members who are nearby.

Primary Treatment Options Following Detox

After detox, you can now enter an outpatient treatment or inpatient rehab program. Since addiction to meth can be severe, inpatient rehab may be the best option. During inpatient treatment, you’ll remain in a residential facility on a 24/7 basis among other individuals who are also attempting to lead a drug-free life. Outpatient treatment can be attended while you meet your school and work responsibilities.

Whether you enter outpatient or inpatient treatment, you’ll likely receive individual counseling with a therapist to identify the causes of your addiction. This form of therapy might include treatment techniques like:

The purpose of these treatments is to help you identify any unhealthy thought patterns you have and how these thoughts can lead to destructive behaviors.

Group therapy is also common in these programs. These sessions allow you to share with others who know what you’re currently going through. Group therapy sessions are managed by a group leader. A couple of additional therapies provided during outpatient treatment and inpatient rehab include group therapy and family therapy.

Relapse prevention is another focus of treatment, during which you’ll learn skills on how to remain sober and avoid the triggers that could cause a relapse. These coping skills can include everything from fitness to meditation. You might also attend group therapy following your main course of treatment, which gives you the peer support you require to remain sober.

Many individuals who go through treatment will be given assistance in creating an aftercare plan, which centers around the life you have following treatment. These plans can involve:

  • Staying at a sober-living residence
  • 12-step programs
  • Sessions with physicians and psychiatrists
  • Individual therapy
  • Alumni events and meetings

If you’re currently struggling with a meth addiction and want to stop taking this drug for good, start searching for a medical detox program that suits your needs. Contact Long Island Treatment Center today for addiction help.

Reviewed for Medical & Clinical Accuracy by Long Island Treatment Center