
Getting Help: A Guide to Meth Addiction Treatment in Long Island

Methamphetamine addiction is a serious and growing problem in the United States. Meth abuse can lead to severe health problems, including cancerous growths on the skin, usually related to injecting methamphetamines. If you’re looking for help getting treatment for your addiction, contact our office today!

One time.

That’s how long it takes some users to become addicted to methamphetamine (meth).

This stimulant is so powerful that it can become habit-forming in an instant. Every time someone uses meth, they can cause damage to crucial brain receptors. Over time, it becomes nearly impossible for them to feel pleasure without another hit.

According to research, more than 12 million Americans  have tried meth at least once. Of those, 600,000 people use it weekly. While it was initially synthesized for therapeutic use, it’s now more widely abused as an illicit, recreational drug.

Is someone you know suffering from meth addiction? If so, there is treatment available.

Today, we’re sharing how this process works and the steps you can take today.

What Causes a Meth Addiction?

To understand the devastating depths of meth addiction, it’s essential to know how the substance works.

Like many drugs, meth forces the user’s brain to pump out excessive quantities of dopamine. This is the neurotransmitter that delivers feelings of accomplishment and self-worth. While it’s normal for our brains to secrete minimal amounts of dopamine daily, meth amplifies these effects.

After continued use, meth destroys the dopamine receptors in one’s brain. This renders them unable to achieve those same feelings of happiness or satisfaction unless they continue using the drug.

At the same time, users become less motivated to pursue success in their professional or personal lives, as even their most valiant efforts cannot bring natural pleasure. This is why early intervention and treatment are necessary. If left unchecked, meth addiction can lead to permanent cognitive impairment.

What Are the Signs and Symptoms of Meth Abuse?

Are you concerned that a friend or family member might be abusing meth? If so, you’ll need to know the symptoms of meth abuse to look out for.

These can be physical and behavioral. Let’s review the physical changes that you might notice first. These include:

  • Weight loss
  • Higher body temperature
  • Dehydration
  • Skin sores and abscesses
  • Brittle bones/osteoporosis
  • Dilated pupils
  • Rotting teeth
  • Rapid eye movement
  • Burns on lips or fingers

In addition, the behavioral changes that can occur include:

  • Hyperactivity
  • Extreme paranoia
  • Hallucinations
  • Social isolation
  • Twitching/jerky movements
  • Erratic sleeping patterns
  • Sudden, aggressive outbursts
  • Mood swings

How to Pursue Effective Meth Treatment

Treating and reversing an addiction to meth takes a two-fold approach.

There must be multiple courses of detoxification completed to entirely rid the body of the substance and help users acclimate to life without it.

Phase 1: Detoxification

Initial treatment will involve eliminating one’s body from the physical presence of meth. Known as detoxification, this is the period of time in which the person will physically adjust to living each day without taking a hit of the drug. Depending on the level of addiction, this phase can take one of two forms.

Outpatient Treatment: Moderate Addictions

If the addiction is new or short in duration, outpatient detoxification can be effective. With this type of program, the person would receive medication from their hospital or treatment center to help support the detox. Then, they would complete the process at home.

While many patients prefer to take this approach, it isn’t for everyone. Before an outpatient detox program can occur, the medical professionals overseeing the program would need to confirm that:

  • There are no drugs (including alcohol) in the home where the detox will occur
  • The person has agreed to participate in post-detox therapy and support sessions
  • The person will return all unused medicine to the hospital or treatment center
  • The person has reliable and sober loved ones who can support them

Inpatient Treatment: Severe, Long-Term Addictions

If meth addiction is more severe or has been occurring for an extended period, inpatient meth treatment is often recommended. The same holds for anyone who has snorted or injected large amounts of meth, regardless of the timeframe.

An inpatient detox program will occur on-site at the hospital or treatment center. It’s the preferred route to take if any of the following:

With an inpatient treatment program, the medical staff at the facility can monitor the individual’s progress as they work through the detox process. They can also provide medication and moral support to ease the pain of withdrawal. Moreover, this environment will be completely devoid of the triggers that contributed to the person’s drug abuse in the first place.

Phase 2: Therapy

The detoxification process can help one’s body adjust to life without meth. Yet, as we’ve mentioned, this drug can also have a powerful stronghold over the mind and psyche.

That’s why the next step will be intensive therapy, designed to address the psychological damage that meth can do. Not only will this help rehabilitate the user’s mind, but it will also show them how they can move forward, successfully growing and functioning without experiencing the compulsion to use meth.

The main goals of therapy include helping clients:

  • Identify and address their former behavior and thought patterns that lead to meth use
  • Recognize new, healthier behavior and thought patterns
  • Understand ways to cope with the temptation to use meth in their everyday lives
  • Come to terms with the ways their addiction affected their friends and family members

With the careful support of their therapist, those addicted to meth can learn how to leave meth behind and pursue a happier, healthier life.

Find Help For a Meth Addiction Today

If you or someone you know is suffering from meth addiction, it’s not too late to turn the situation around.

Though the substance can be addictive and highly dangerous, there are treatment programs and therapies in place that can help users break free from the chains of their addiction. In time, these can help them overcome their physical and psychological dependencies on the drug.

If you’re looking for outpatient addiction treatment support, we’re here to help. We offer a range of options designed to meet your personal needs.

Reviewed for Medical & Clinical Accuracy by Long Island Treatment Center